I had the misfortune of seeing Passion Pit at the Monolith Festival two weekends ago. I felt like I was watching High School The Musical: My freshman year at college. They were awful but the kids age 18-24 seemed to love it. I quite enjoyed this review of them from the Westword: "Wow, do people like Passion Pit. Lots of people. The entire upper area that makes up the SoCo stage was absolutely jam-packed with people, and every one of them seemed really excited for Passion Pit. For the life of me, I couldn't really see why. Some of the songs sounded incredibly retro, like they wouldn't be a bit out of place anchoring a John Hughes soundtrack. That wasn't necessarily a killer. No, the killer was the singer's heavy reliance on a caterwauling falsetto that was apparently supposed to communicate emotion and passion, but instead communicated "My Pants are too tight, and I may have injured my sack because of it." Based on fans' reactions, this band clearly inspires excitement, but the vocals seem to be a love/hate proposition, and for me, it was hate. "