Missed Five Masaratis, Woggles put on an entertaining little set, took a red room break that lasted longer than planned and ended up missing Fleshtones, Mooney Suzuki were ridiculously loud and all their songs sound the same, Zombies were horrible and amazing at the same time. Colin can still sing, and for a few moments, the Zombies songs we know and love sounded great. Unfortunately he was the only person up there with any dignity and class. The ridiculously dressed mustachioed Argent wanked out proggy bloated keyboard solo after keyboard solo complete with God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen riffs (I shit you not) and lifting his leg up to play with his heel. These were not just on the Argent songs, which had no business being played at this show anyway, but he completely butchered a fair number of classic Zombie tunes as well. He also had to make it known that he wrote Time of The Season, not Colin, and was going to win some award for it when he got back to the UK. I got the vibe that he was annoyed people were looking at Colin during the songs and not him. I finally walked out during the Van Halen wannabe guitar solo by whatever jackass hired gun studio musician they had on tour (albeit, amazingly talented, but that was exactly the problem). I saw Ian Svenonius on the way out and made him promise not to add 10 min keyboard jazz odysseys to his 30 yr anniversary Make-Up show.