Originally posted by Dupek Chakra:
Originally posted by Jaguar:
Hip or not, I don't know, and I couldn't give a shit. I just know that I don't like them. Period. It's not a hipster thing with me. It's a just not liking Metal thing and being totally repulsed by their ass up front. Nothing personal. That's just how I feel. My opinion. I did like their guitars, once I got past the genre and, as I said before, was in the right mood.
Yeah, they didn't bring anything new to the musical table. Are they the inheretors of The Led Zeppelin mantle? [/b]
Yeah, maybe they didn't add anything new but putting my own taste aside, I have to admit that they were, in the beginning, damn good at what they did. You are probably right about the Led Zepplin comparison. I think they just did it slicker and more in your face and over the top. I can fully understand why their fans loved them but they just didn't appeal to my tastes. Got to give credit where credit is due.