Originally posted by Bags:
Originally posted by Big KC:
The Mac Ads...
This reporter on NPR disagrees.
His report concludes the ads are too cool for their own good and, hence, appeal to the demographic that would already own Macs, not the demographic they want to own Macs. [/b]
i'd also agree with the NPR reporter, but I love the mac ads (and I'm a PC user), i think some of them are really clever
but the microsoft ones (mostly in print) pimping their "cool apps" similar to the iLife suite are really horrible ... they get this girl who some 50 year old would assume is the embodiment of everything "hip" (short dyed chunky hair, wacky clothes) with this smug grin on her face (kind of like Tilly and the Wall actually) ... i think i've written about these ads before on here before, but they get my blood boiling
at least the mac guy looks like a normal person, no matter how snide he is ... if they used some dude in leggings, fingerless mittens, a beret, and whatever else old people think "hip" kids wear, it would be really annoying
so under the same theory as the NPR guy used critiquing the apple ads, is microsoft "too cool for its own good" by using a caricature like that, or are they merely correctly appealing to the right audience of square (yes, i just used that word) older people by exaggerating features?
i'd be interested to hear what anyone in advertising has to say about it ... by the way, i find the psychological aspects of advertising really fascinating, how much attention goes into every square inch of a print ad and every frame of a tv ad to appeal to their target audience ... nothing is unplanned or coincidental in a well-crafted ad, it's kind of freaky