Author Topic: $6 Yuengling?  (Read 52734 times)


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Re: $6 Yuengling?
« Reply #105 on: September 29, 2005, 05:50:00 pm »
Originally posted by sonickteam, forum nice guy:
 Carl's Jr. has the $6 burger.
  but i dont think its $6 is it?
I think the idea is that the $6 Burger is supposed to taste as good as a burger you'd pay $6 to get at a restaurant. However, that $6 Yuengling tastes like it was a $3-4 Yuengling not long ago.


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Re: $6 Yuengling?
« Reply #106 on: September 29, 2005, 06:19:00 pm »
for the record, the warehouse next door charges $4 for yuengling and $3 for bud/bud lite/miller lite. and $2 for schlitz cans.
 and it's WAY poorer than the 9:30.
 i love the talking head and ottobar in baltimore...yuengling is betwen $2.50 and $3 at those places.

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Re: $6 Yuengling?
« Reply #107 on: September 29, 2005, 06:23:00 pm »
Originally posted by sonickteam, forum nice guy:
  a 12pack of PBR's at the liquor store by my house?
  $4.99 baby!!!!
PBR?  I know it's in the Hipster Handbook and all...but you might as well be drinking Old Milwaukee.  PBR is piss!


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Re: $6 Yuengling?
« Reply #108 on: September 29, 2005, 06:49:00 pm »
We recently (within the last few months) raised our alcohol prices by $1.00 for everything. While this may seem steep it is the first price increase in like seven or eight years at the club. It also reflects the ever increasing prices of our beer and liquer suppliers. The sudden increase is also necessary because of the sheer volume we do at our bars. If we were to raise prices .25 cents or so at a time it would seriously slow down the bartenders by having to deal with change. Having nice round dollar numbers helps us help you more quickly.
 Take it for what it is. My opinion? If I go out to a nice club or bar I'm paying at least as much, if not more than at 9:30. And 9:30 is as nice as they come for live music.


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Re: $6 Yuengling?
« Reply #109 on: September 29, 2005, 07:26:00 pm »
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  We recently (within the last few months) raised our alcohol prices by $1.00 for everything. While this may seem steep it is the first price increase in like seven or eight years at the club. It also reflects the ever increasing prices of our beer and liquer suppliers. The sudden increase is also necessary because of the sheer volume we do at our bars. If we were to raise prices .25 cents or so at a time it would seriously slow down the bartenders by having to deal with change. Having nice round dollar numbers helps us help you more quickly.
 Take it for what it is. My opinion? If I go out to a nice club or bar I'm paying at least as much, if not more than at 9:30. And 9:30 is as nice as they come for live music.
My opinion of this is with dealing with change, when the subject came up. It doesn't take that much longer to grab a few quarters as it does dollar bills. That being said, I'd imagine the general response from the bartenders was "If it's raised by $0.25 or $0.50, patrons would then just leave the remainder change and not a dollar anymore." It's not like you'd be stocking nickels and dimes in the register just rolls of quarters.
 How is it other "nice" places in DC don't charge more than $5 for basic beers (including Yeungling?) They probably use the same distributors, probably not nearly as in high volume as the 930 club but are still not charging as much. Any idea what Blues Alley charges for a beer?  :)
 Mindless Faith
 Deep6 Productions


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Re: $6 Yuengling?
« Reply #110 on: September 29, 2005, 07:27:00 pm »
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  If I go out to a nice club or bar I'm paying at least as much, if not more than at 9:30. And 9:30 is as nice as they come for live music.
Thanks for the response, but I don't go to nice clubs or bars. And it's Yuengling, not Chimay or something. Looks like I am drinking at home.


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Re: $6 Yuengling?
« Reply #111 on: September 29, 2005, 08:39:00 pm »
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  We recently (within the last few months) raised our alcohol prices by $1.00 for everything. While this may seem steep it is the first price increase in like seven or eight years at the club. It also reflects the ever increasing prices of our beer and liquer suppliers.
I do go to good clubs and bars.   ;)
 I love the club as much or more than anyone.  While I can't say I remember when the last price increase was, there's a reason $5 shit beer and $6 okay beer seems high.   It is.  Even for nice places (like RFK and Camden Yards, even).
 I'm surprised to hear heineken and Yuengling were $5 in 1998.  The increase would never stop me from coming to the club, obviously...that's about the music.   I'll drink less, my prerogative.


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Re: $6 Yuengling?
« Reply #112 on: September 29, 2005, 09:31:00 pm »
my middle name is yuengling.....
 it only has value around here where people's first reaction tends to be any relation to the beer company...other places, it tends to get a wtf
 pardon the digression, hehe


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Re: $6 Yuengling?
« Reply #113 on: September 30, 2005, 12:51:00 am »
Originally posted by MindCage:
  My opinion of this is with dealing with change, when the subject came up. It doesn't take that much longer to grab a few quarters as it does dollar bills. That being said, I'd imagine the general response from the bartenders was "If it's raised by $0.25 or $0.50, patrons would then just leave the remainder change and not a dollar anymore." It's not like you'd be stocking nickels and dimes in the register just rolls of quarters.
 Mindless Faith
 Deep6 Productions
I fully agree with this and I use to tend bar. That's just bullshit. Sure, you will get a delay when you have to restock the change portion but I bet the bar will be less busy now with the higher prices. And if you are any good at bartending, you see the coins going down and work the exchange in at slower bar times rather than waiting for the register to run out. Worse yet, regardless what anyone says here on this forum, the bartenders will definitely end up taking a hit. Also, with the change and tips thing, a lot of people will scoop up the change and leave a bill. This would be less likely though with highly priced drinks. Will be interesting to see if this does affect the bottom line when all is said and done, not that we will ever find out.
 In the end, I'm not making a nice Federal Government or corporate salary so really have no choice but to join Bags in her boycott. Don't want to at all but really have no choice at this point in my life. It's bad enough I've had to give up the little I already had to ration myself just because all of my money is now going into my gas tank. Missing lots of shows too just because of the damned gas which is not the club's fault in the least but that's just the way it is.
 And as far as Yuengling goes, I would pay a few cents, or maybe even dollars, more for a quality beer than $6 for a semi-rot gut Yuengling. Would just have to resort to sipping. Rails and budget beers should never go over $5 regardless of how chi chi the bar is.


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Re: $6 Yuengling?
« Reply #114 on: September 30, 2005, 02:19:00 am »
1)  If we were to raise prices .25 cents or so at a time it would seriously slow down the bartenders by having to deal with change.
 Thank you Shadrach. From one bartender to an owner, you are the only owner I've ever seen who realizes this point.
  2) I know my bar bill is usually less than what it should be and it's not just the 930 that does that.
 The reason your bar bill is not what you had is something known as "back ringing". A lot of regular customers will tip more when they think they are getting a deal. What the bartender does (or hopes to do) is when they hand a regular a low bill, that the regular will tip very well, then, when they have a chance, ring some of that great tip they just got back into the register, keep a 25% (or so) tip for themselves, then promo (or whatever the establishment calls that check) the couple of remaining beers (or drinks, whatever) to make up for the non-rung-up drinks. Any bartender who does not do this is stealing.
 3)  Aren't the plastic cups used for drafts the same size as the glass pints. they just look smaller because the glass is thicker?
 4)  Bud Light on tap is $5.
 Tap beer is a huge moneymaker. $5 is out of line.
 5)  Apparently Yuengling is an import. I never understood that.
 Just because something is called an import, doesn't mean it's an "imported" beer. The only thing that has to do with is the cost for the establishment to buy that particular beer. For example, Sam Adams is considered a "Super Import" at my bar, and I get questioned about it all the time. The reason Sam Adams is considered a "Super Import" is that it is the MOST expensive beer to buy for us, by the bottle. More expensive than Bass ale, than Newcastle, than anything we serve. That's why it costs an arm and a leg, because our cost is so high.
 6)  Bring little airline bottles of liquor and buy sodas @$1.50. they even have those drink bag u wear on yer back when biking. make a buddy be the drink carrier for the night.
 This can lose an establishment it's liquor license. Please do not do it. Plus, the door staff CAN and WILL use it to eject you, and possibly a reason to kick your ass (if you are at a place less reputable than the 9:30 Club)
 7)  What are y'all gonna tip now? I got charged $6 last week for each bottle and couldn't figure out what to tip: %15 of 6 is another $1; but the barkeep is just popping a bottle cap no differently than if it were a reasonable $3. $1 tip for a guy to pop a cap seems extravagant. So I defiantly only left .50 a beer as usual.
 a) You are drinking more expensive drinks, so don't be a cheap ass and plop down the $1
 b)       39. Never tip with coins that have touched you. If your change is $1.50, you can tell the barmaid to keep the change, but once she has handed it to you, you cannot give it back. To a bartender or cocktail waitress, small change has no value.
 8)  You cheap bastard. That's how they make their livelihood. ts not bartenders fault the prices r hi, so dont screw him/her. i rarely pay cash, i just get my tab and tip %20. I still do one buck a bottle.
 Thank you.
 9)   Does the DC tax rate of 10% factor into the price of drinks?
 No more than any other state.
 10)  well, domestic is a misleading term. i mean, i've been to places where obvious domestic beers <cough>sam adams<cough> are not listed under domestic prices because they are considered as a microbrew, which is, apparently, a separate designation.
 See #5.
 11)   I bet the bar will be less busy now with the higher prices.
 Wrong! With live venues, they have a captive audience.
 12)   The bartenders will definitely end up taking a hit.
 Right! No one likes expensive beer, and more often than not, it comes out of the tip.
 13)  Have mixed drinks gone up in price as well?
 A very good question, I am interested in what the prices of everything are, since I'll be there Friday at the Bob Mould Band show. I won't drink any differently, but perhaps this would be a stellar time for some 9:30 Club staff member to post the drink prices, especially since I have your back about standing your ground about these prices. I'd love to see a list. (Perhaps in FAQ's?) Thank you for your time.....

Frank Gallagher

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Re: $6 Yuengling?
« Reply #115 on: September 30, 2005, 05:15:00 am »
Originally posted by BrnAgnTaper:
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
i think $4 domestic and $5 import is reasonable though ...[/b]
Apparently Yuengling is an import. I never understood that. [/QB][/QUOTE]
 PA is indeed considered foriegn...for beer price purposes anyway.

Seth Hurwitz

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Re: $6 Yuengling?
« Reply #116 on: September 30, 2005, 08:04:00 am »
as usual, the same people that accuse us of being in it for the money are counting their money
 but I have no trouble admitting who I am
 and not a republican capitalist either


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Re: $6 Yuengling?
« Reply #117 on: September 30, 2005, 08:33:00 am »
as usual, the same people that accuse us of being in it for the money are counting their money
 but I have no trouble admitting who I am
 and not a republican capitalist either  
If you haven't read it yet, Seth, please read my post in this topic. Thanks.


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Re: $6 Yuengling?
« Reply #118 on: September 30, 2005, 08:52:00 am »
Originally posted by Jaguär:
 And as far as Yuengling goes, I would pay a few cents, or maybe even dollars, more for a quality beer than $6 for a semi-rot gut Yuengling. Would just have to resort to sipping. Rails and budget beers should never go over $5 regardless of how chi chi the bar is.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa let's not get out of hand here with the name calling! Even the word "semi" can be mean to our foreign friend from PA.  :p
 Rails and mass-produced beers should never be over $5 is very true though.
 Mindless Faith
 Deep6 Productions


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Re: $6 Yuengling?
« Reply #119 on: September 30, 2005, 08:52:00 am »
Originally posted by Seth Hurwitz:
  as usual, the same people that accuse us of being in it for the money are counting their money
 but I have no trouble admitting who I am
 and not a republican capitalist either
some of us have less to count  ;)