Originally posted by sonickteam4:
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
and clearly more complicated and strategic than the sports i mentioned.
it doesnt seem so clear to me so why dont you elaborate. you would you like to stick to being vague.
so in hockey, the players just skate around hoping to get the puck in the net all willy-nilly like?
they dont have set plays and strategies, matchups, designed offenses and defenses? or are you just to stupid to recognize them cause they are constantly changing so you say there is none? [/b]
will do.
of COURSE hockey, rugby, and soccer all are incredibly intricate sports with tons of strategy involved ... i don't want to go into a dissertation on the new jersey trap, but it's obvious to any sports fan that there are plenty of designed plays and matchups and line changes and everything else ... any professional sport has tons of strategy involved
that said, football just has more of it ... like i was saying before, every play is only 5-8 seconds, yet they spend another 40 seconds setting up their strategy (like the right guard will cut the under tackle or block his left shoulder, to name two of dozens of options that one guy has on each play) for that one burst of energy ... hockey, soccer, and rugby (i really just arbitrarily picked those sports, you could throw basketball and others in there as well) are free flowing games where you don't get a stoppage of play to set up strategy, there is much more freelancing and there are more "general" concepts and strategies, sure they set up individual plays, but they're nothing compared to the intricacies (have i used that word enough?) involved in a single football play
sorry, you're just wrong on this one