this store makes me very happy. DC has needed a record store of this quality for ages. it carries new and used CDs and new and used vinyl. the selection isn't that large, but it's quality over quantity.
the owners are a couple of older ("older" being upper 30s/lower 40s) guys that know their shit, and don't seem like the "hipper-than-thou" usual post-collegiate, indie record store clerks. apparently, they've been selling online for years, and i think have (or had) a store in north carolina.
i found some extremely rare free jazz and psych records, which doesn't happen too often for somebody who has well over 2,000 records. i scored an archie shepp record for $20 that i'd been looking for for about seven years.
so yeah, i like crooked beat. i'll be stopping in regularly.
as for selling warehouse tickets, we're working out the details. hopefully, a system will be in place in a few weeks.