well since all religion is a fraud, this show did indeed qualify as a religious experience.
i guess if you like your shows with all of the over-the-top qualities of a broadway musical instead of, y'know, memorable songs, it was close to perfect. yes, "tunnels" and "wake up" and "keep the car running" are good, maybe close to great songs, but the rest are pale imitations of those. and that just leaves the spectacle, and sure, there's energy, but that shit couldn't be more contrived. just because there are lots of people jumping around banging on and blowing into things doesn't make it cathartic or important. it's just even more calculated. and i know that the drums weren't live on at least two songs and i wouldn't be surprised if there were more backing tracks used in addition to that.
that crazy televangelist woman on the video screens before they came on couldn't have been a more apt intro...