Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
Are you kidding? I was thinking of Obama, but Mankie, ManImtired and Julian have been so slick with their arguments that they have convinced me to vote McCain.
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
I do think political discussions on the internet are inherently pointless, which helps explain why they are so prone to degeneration. It's not like we're going to develop some unparalleled insights through discussion here. I try to avoid them... my bad for getting into that here, and for my role in making it personal.
ME??? What have I done to sway your vote? I haven't 'endorsed' either of them. You could pull my nuts off with a clydesdale hooked up to a meat clever and I wouldn't vote for Obama, but that doesn't mean I'm a McCainist. If do vote for McCain it will be simply to cancel out a vote for Obama, but then I would have to go home and take a long hot shower after voting for a republican. Not voting seems to be a cowards way out so my only other choice would be one of the other no-hopes (not Nader though). That would make me feel good about voting but also disapointed that my vote meant nothing.
My only comment is with all the millions of people in this country of ours is if these are the best two we can come up with it doesn't say much about our country does it?
I was just in the barber shop in Jupiter and listening to the two barbers and two other (white male) customers talk about 'yer black president' 'yer can take my concealed weapons permit but arl still have mar gun' 'it ain't muurca when yer got a black called hussein in the white house' 'there's a reason it's called the white house' etc. etc. you get the pic. I got up to walk out and one of the barbers said, "uh, oh, seems we upset an Obama voter" so replied, "I wouldn't vote for Obama if he was the only candidate, but it has nothing to do with his skin color or middle name" then left and went to the hair butchery instead.