<img src="http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51p5MNUjNDL._SS500_.jpg" alt=" - " />
first impression: holy fuck! this shit is loud! made me go running for the remote
the sonics are really the story here -- fucked up and fun, sounds at times like it's been recorded once, played back through blown speakers, and then re-recorded ... fascinating to listen to this immediately after "modern times" (especially considering dylan's rant at the time about modern recording methods)
where CYHSY tried and utterly failed to do something interesting with their sound on their 2nd album, this really really really works
PS: i LOVE how the inner groove of side A has this absurd squelching sound repeated over and over (instead of the normal "click, click, click") ... i thought it was the last song on the side until i got up and realized what they were doing