What I find unusual is he couldn’t come up with even one kickass tune.
not one, trust me I was willing to give him a LOT of leeway
If they are out there, please school me
I will be honest, I've just skimmed what he's done since the 80s, but my fact checking cuz, hutch, well, he's given it the ole college try on more than one occasion and feel his reaction has way more credibility than mine
I call BS on ill informed Prince opinions…
OK Koz...please curate a 10 song play list of the Greatest hits of prince post 1990
I'm a little shocked looking back on Robert Christgau and the Pazz and jop polls how well his early 90s albums did
OK, this was funny and deserved recognition
You misspelled U2 and somehow doubled 5 to 10 in your post.