For me it was unlucky concert #13, Ned's Atomic Dustbin at the Metro in November of 1992. In the grand scheme of things, it SHOULD have been a great evening. I hung out with the band beforehand, and the crowd was really pumped for the show. My 2 friends Colleen and Erin were right up front, I was just behind them by a couple people. The band came out and during the first song "Suave and Suffocated" (kind of ironic looking back), there was a massive crowd surge and I went down like a ton of bricks because we were SO packed in and there was nowhere to move. A bunch of people landed on me, and I was face down on the floor, getting stepped on, kicked, and what blew me away was how there was ZERO oxygen down towards the floor. I felt like I was drowning. My glasses broke (and I'm blind without them) but after what seemed like forever I finally managed to force my way back on my feet and I staggered away to the back where people looked at me like I was crazy. My friends never even saw what happened to me, but I had bruises and footprints all over me. To this day, I cannot stand it when there's too many people around me. I have a bootleg of the show because it was broadcast on WXRT at a later point, and you can actually hear people screaming (thankfully not me) right at the beginning when people started falling on top of each other. Ned's shows always had a bit of a knucklehead factor, but that night just plain sucked. It was not fun.