Author Topic: Shakedown Street at 930  (Read 5938 times)


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Shakedown Street at 930
« on: October 04, 2005, 11:47:00 am »
A word to fellow smokers (others please ignore):
 The 930 Nazi's were in full shakedown mode at last night's Black Crowes show. The doormen were grabbing everyone's pockets and feeling the guys up (and they think the job is glamorous!?!), checking into each and every purse...They must been really terrified that someone would smoke a little weed at a Black Crowes show. Egads!!! The horrors!!!
 Anyway, just lettin' ya'll know to either conceal it on your person really carefully or just get baked and leave it in the car. Otherwise, they'll certainly ruin your night, and take great delight in doing so.
 Peace out.  :cool:

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Re: Shakedown Street at 930
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2005, 11:52:00 am »
<img src="" alt=" - " />
 Put yer weed 'neath yer balzac


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Re: Shakedown Street at 930
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2005, 12:02:00 pm »
Originally posted by scoop:
  just get baked and leave it in the car.
This is the only viable option.  As benign as weed may be, it's illegal.  Hence, the club is perfectly within its rights to disallow the practice.
 I do not want to see the club shut down for ANY amount of time because you can't make it three hours without toking up.  Bake a bit in your car, and just enjoy yourself.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Shakedown Street at 930
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2005, 12:26:00 pm »
Wonder if DCist will pick this thread up as well   :D  
 Much like complaining about the parking lot at Nissan Pavallion, this is so tired...
 The 9:30 club has a long standing policy regarding the use of illegal substances in the club, in fact there are signs outside the club stating so.  So complaining that they were searching people who might use such illegal substances in a private venue is pointless.
 Can someone post a picture of the sign displayed outside the club regarding illegal substances?


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Re: Shakedown Street at 930
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2005, 02:36:00 pm »
yeah, yeah - i know.
 it's illegal, it's posted, it's the 930 club.
 i've spent years going to the damn club cuz i love music, but the attitude of the people (not all but many) who work there is so NOT rock-n-roll. it's school marm, tattle-tale, rock nazi.
 really - having people search the stalls constantly? i'm like "wait a minute there, Edgy, i'm only taking a piss can you give me a minute?" i don't do blow - really.
 It's just annoying and i'm exercising my god-given, flag-flying right to rant here on the rock nazi website.
 It's totally different vibe at the black cat. hell even at sleepy old wolf trap, the employees
 are cooler. they actually act like they are happy you're there. they're not looking to kick you out for having too much fun. they want you to have fun.
 do you really think the cops are going to shut down a successful business because someone makes a personal decision to have a little weed on them? hell no.
 i understand the practice from a business standpoint - they don't want any beef with the MAN, but from a progressive rock-n-roll standpoint it's bullshit.
 by the way - the crowes rocked even though my buzz wore off by intermission. i was able to avoid the eagle scout eyeballs perched behind the amps and up in the balcony. i fired off a couple tokes from old faithful, anyway.
 it feels SO good to beat the MAN.
 i will say this - at least the earplug patrol agreed to turn up the amps for once last night. chris robinson probably had to BEG. the place was good and loud for a change. and you thought i never said anything positive about the 930. it's a nice club. nice venue. just too fucking uptight, that's all.

Re: Shakedown Street at 930
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2005, 02:42:00 pm »
You sound like you're about 15. Don't you have some remedial math homework to do?

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Shakedown Street at 930
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2005, 02:42:00 pm »
Originally posted by scoop:
  i've spent years going to the damn club cuz i love music, but the attitude of the people (not all but many) who work there is so NOT rock-n-roll. it's school marm, tattle-tale, rock nazi.
 really - having people search the stalls constantly? i'm like "wait a minute there, Edgy, i'm only taking a piss can you give me a minute?" i don't do blow - really.
I am going to preface my comments by saying I do not smoke pot, and if I did, I wouldn't at a public place. That said, I have never had a problem at 9:30 Club with the staff. I've been easily 30-40 times, and I think I was only ever patted down exactly once - Fatboy Slim. I have never seen them staking out the bathroom, although, to be fair, most of the shows I'd go to see are not, um, highly conducive to being stoned.
 I have had them take a camera away before, or more specifically offer to hold it for me instead of making me run back to the car. They were very nice about it. I understand there are rules and they can't piss off the bands who don't want photography, just like you, I'm sure, can understand they can't risk their licenses or whatever by allowing pot smoking or selling alcohol to underage kiddies. But I do think they've always handled it as nicely as possible, and if you consistantly - not just once - have found them to be "rock nazis", perhaps the problem is your attitude, not theirs.
 If all the rest of us can go and rarely, if ever, find a problem with the staff, and you do everytime, hmm... where must we conclude the problem lies?

thirsty moore

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Re: Shakedown Street at 930
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2005, 02:45:00 pm »
Originally posted by scoop:
 do you really think the cops are going to shut down a successful business because someone makes a personal decision to have a little weed on them? hell no.
I'm sure they'll make a special exception for you, and only you.  Then it would only be a little weed.  But then people might start complaining that they can't bring theirs, and then they will, and then the club will get shut down.  I know grass causes short term memory loss, but has it affected your ability to reason as well?
 If everyone tried pulling that, you wouldn't have seen the Black Crowes at the 930.  There wouldn't be a 930.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Shakedown Street at 930
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2005, 02:46:00 pm »
and just how good is a band that requires one to be in an altered state to be enjoyed...
 and i've been in the club plenty of times where it was unbarely loud and it's never increased my enjoyment of the show, in fact i often wonder if the loudness isn't a way of covering up the fact the band isn't very good.


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Re: Shakedown Street at 930
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2005, 03:00:00 pm »
Ok, ok. No happy smoke at the 930 club. Sheesh.
 I knew SOME of you khaki-clad Washingtonians would get your knickers in a bunch over it. Mr. Bush? Hmmmm.
 It's their club, their rules. Whatever. It doesn't change my life or anything. Just one man's opinion.
 And by the way, I've never actually had a beef with the staff, but I am a keen observer and just get a bad vibe from some - I said some - of the overzealous staffers. I think the big dude who looks scary as shit is actually quite a sweetheart.
 A few of my polite and professional friends have come to the same conclusion. It's an uptight place for a rock club.
 But hey, we're from places like Austin and Detroit  and Nashville, so maybe we just don't know. No more complaints from me. I've said my peace and hopefully made some people take a long, hard look in the mirror. Mr. Bush. Just kiddin, dude. Never was good at math, but thanks for asking.
 Rawk on. And flame at will. I'm out

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Shakedown Street at 930
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2005, 03:09:00 pm »
well at the moment i'm a khaki-clad former detroiter and don't vote for President Bush..  
 and my knickers are in a twist because of the oppresive pants i have to wear!!!!!!
 Besides the whole issue of being able to smoke anything in the club maybe become moot, if they pass a law requiring all venues to be smoke free of the legal and illegal variety...
 for the sake of arguement, The Decemberists show on Sunday was a non-smoking affair inside the club most likely at the request of the artist...  would you have a felt the need to sneak a few were you at that show, even though it went against the wishes of the band?

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Shakedown Street at 930
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2005, 03:14:00 pm »
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  well at the moment i'm a khaki-clad former detroiter and don't vote for President Bush..  
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  if they pass a law requiring all venues to be smoke free of the legal and illegal variety...
Is this getting discussed in DC? I'd love to see that happen.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Shakedown Street at 930
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2005, 03:18:00 pm »
yes and it's hotly debated on both sides... i think it would work at the 9:30 club, but could you imagine what the 14th street outside the Black Cat would look like between sets?

Re: Shakedown Street at 930
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2005, 03:20:00 pm »
Like a pool party at Smackie's place?
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  yes and it's hotly debated on both sides... i think it would work at the 9:30 club, but could you imagine what the 14th street outside the Black Cat would look like between sets?

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Shakedown Street at 930
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2005, 03:23:00 pm »
legislation maybe the way to go... but it might be better if venues were allowed to set thier own policy and create smoking/non-smoking areas on thier own.  i.e. at the 9:30 club main room nonsmoking backbar smoking, same with the Black Cat, i'd just spend very little time in the Red Room.