Author Topic: MP3 Player vs Mini Disc Walkman  (Read 14589 times)


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Re: MP3 Player vs Mini Disc Walkman
« Reply #60 on: July 07, 2003, 01:57:00 pm »
Originally posted by the scientist:
Originally posted by vansmack:
 Dell, well I just dont see them doing it..... If they were why sell ipods from their store?
Dell used to sell Palm and Handspring Handhelds too - but now all you can buy are Dell Handhelds.  Now that there's $350 Million in revenue to be shared - that's next.
 Mark my words.  The future is in one device doing it all.  Samsung and Palm working on Cell phones?  So is Microsoft and Sony.  And now that a handheld is already a cell phone too and cell phones already have storage for MP3s and software to play them, how long before a hard drive is on there to be a handheld / Cell Phone / Ipod type Mp3 player?
 Not long kids.  Even better, I'm wating for wireless broadband on my handheld so I don't even have to have it stored - I can stream it!  Woohoo!  And the phone companies are going to compete like mad and drive down the prices and you'll get 10 times more functionality for the same price.
 And Apple will miss it for the same reasons they always miss it - they don't think far enough ahead.  They focus on the one great product they have and are too arrogant to keep their marketing advantage.  Do you know why the Ipod doesn't have the extra goodies?  They've never developed a Handheld OS.  Their not capable of doing it.  Sony, Dell, Hp, Kyocera, and Samsung are all capable of doing it.  Apple better get in bed with Palm now, or be left behind like the Apple IIe and the original Mac.  Far superior at the time, no more than 3% market share.


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Re: MP3 Player vs Mini Disc Walkman
« Reply #61 on: July 07, 2003, 01:59:00 pm »
When are we going to get those cool jet packs like The Jetsons had?


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Re: MP3 Player vs Mini Disc Walkman
« Reply #62 on: July 07, 2003, 02:13:00 pm »
Apple are not capable of a handheld OS?
 funny, I seem to remember the newton and emac...I am sure those OS's would be sufficiently small to now run on a handheld.
 Apple are apparently reluctant to return to a market they did so badly in, newton. Which was when they were looking too far ahead. Hence tablet Pcs appearing this year.
 Actually I have seen shots of an ipaq emulating an ancient mac os, looked kind of funky.
 As for Sony, well they license the palm OS, bright boy. All the others you mentioned use microsoft, dont they? Perhaps symbian which was psion. None make their own, although some own stakes in symbian.
 Do palm even run at a profit? This could well be another reason apple has stayed away from handhelds?
 An all in one all singing all dancing mobile phone/palm top/mp3 player/playstation 4 will be great when it appears, book me up to buy the first one if it is the size of an ipod.
 Till then, I will stick to the ipod.


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Re: MP3 Player vs Mini Disc Walkman
« Reply #63 on: July 07, 2003, 02:15:00 pm »
Originally posted by ggw:
  When are we going to get those cool jet packs like The Jetsons had?
wasnt Dupek obsessed with the jetsons too?
 If there was only one jet pack in the world, GGW, I would do everything within my powers (nothing) to ensure you would be the first to try it out.


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Re: MP3 Player vs Mini Disc Walkman
« Reply #64 on: July 07, 2003, 02:30:00 pm »
Originally posted by the scientist:
  An all in one all singing all dancing mobile phone/palm top/mp3 player/playstation 4 will be great when it appears, book me up to buy the first one if it is the size of an ipod.
Sure thing, me too.  As long as the battery runs for more than 2 hours without needing to be re-charged (not an Apple issue, a new technology issue -- I now have to travel with THREE recharging plugs).


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Re: MP3 Player vs Mini Disc Walkman
« Reply #65 on: July 07, 2003, 02:50:00 pm »
Originally posted by the scientist:
  Apple are not capable of a handheld OS?
 funny, I seem to remember the newton and emac...I am sure those OS's would be sufficiently small to now run on a handheld.
 Apple are apparently reluctant to return to a market they did so badly in, newton. Which was when they were looking too far ahead. Hence tablet Pcs appearing this year.
 Actually I have seen shots of an ipaq emulating an ancient mac os, looked kind of funky.
 As for Sony, well they license the palm OS, bright boy. All the others you mentioned use microsoft, dont they? Perhaps symbian which was psion. None make their own, although some own stakes in symbian.
 Do palm even run at a profit? This could well be another reason apple has stayed away from handhelds?
 An all in one all singing all dancing mobile phone/palm top/mp3 player/playstation 4 will be great when it appears, book me up to buy the first one if it is the size of an ipod.
 Till then, I will stick to the ipod.
I was unclear on that point - I meant the Ipod is not capable of running an OS, not that Mac couldn't make one.  Though at this late stage in the game, they should be talking to Palm or symbian as you suggested.
 Palm just bought handspring last month so they can't be doing too badly.  And they spun off the OS division again - everybody licenses OS's now, smart guy.
 Sony makes both Palm and MS devices.  sony-ericcson is currently working to produce an MS based smartphone, less than bright boy.  
 And since bags made a good point (take note markie), my handheld battery lasts up to ten hours - same as the palm.  But it does not last as long when using the wireless interent card - something that will need to be worked on (supposedly, built in cards last longer).  Playing music is about 7 hours.
 When I travel I only bring two plugs for recharging - one for handheld and one for the cell phone (but that will soon change when I combine devices, now won't it?).  If I have to bring the laptop, then I still only bring two because my Sony-Ericcson phone daisy chains with my Sony laptop and recharges via a USB card.  Oh my, what a concept.


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Re: MP3 Player vs Mini Disc Walkman
« Reply #66 on: July 07, 2003, 02:54:00 pm »
I think something that's not being mentioned is the music file type.  As the hard drives of these things gets bigger there's no need to compress files as much.  SHNs are big in certain music trading scenes, and there will no doubt be more file types that are more compressed but still lossless.  mp3 and other lossy types won't be around for many more years.

thirsty moore

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Re: MP3 Player vs Mini Disc Walkman
« Reply #67 on: July 07, 2003, 03:05:00 pm »
If they can create a cellphone that doubles as a DVD player, I will be impressed.


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Re: MP3 Player vs Mini Disc Walkman
« Reply #68 on: July 07, 2003, 03:18:00 pm »
well there are already quite small portable DVD players.... But the problem with making them small is that they have to be reasonably big to accomodate the media alone....
 Isnt there a handheld playstation in the works that will play DVDs and mp3s? I dont think it will have a phone.
 Vansmack I agree apple would do well to make a combo device. I would love an apple palm top. But I am sure if they ever do it they will make their own os.


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Re: MP3 Player vs Mini Disc Walkman
« Reply #69 on: July 07, 2003, 03:24:00 pm »
Originally posted by mjnova:
  I think something that's not being mentioned is the music file type.  As the hard drives of these things gets bigger there's no need to compress files as much.  ........       ..........  mp3 and other lossy types won't be around for many more years.
I wouldnt be so sure..... My ipod sounds better than my old portable CD player ever did.
 I have a half decent stereo and at moderate (normal) listening levels I cannot tell the ipod mp3s from the CD they were ripped from.


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Re: MP3 Player vs Mini Disc Walkman
« Reply #70 on: July 07, 2003, 03:40:00 pm »
Originally posted by the scientist:
  I wouldnt be so sure..... My ipod sounds better than my old portable CD player ever did.
 I have a half decent stereo and at moderate (normal) listening levels I cannot tell the ipod mp3s from the CD they were ripped from.
Using headphones, you shouldn't be able to, but when I play my MP3's through my stereo, it becomes painfully clear.  It's not even close - especially in surround sound.
 And if it's portable gaming that you want, even I will admit that this bad boy atari 2600 takes the cake:
   <img src="" alt=" - " />


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Re: MP3 Player vs Mini Disc Walkman
« Reply #71 on: July 07, 2003, 03:59:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
 [QB]Using headphones, you shouldn't be able to, but when I play my MP3's through my stereo, it becomes painfully clear.  It's not even close - especially in surround sound.
 And if it's portable gaming that you want, even I will admit that this bad boy atari 2600 takes the cake:
surround sound? are you listening to the new DVDs....? Otherwise  all my MP3s and Cds are two channel left, and right.
 So is your surround sound emmulated?
 Personally I cant tell the difference, my hifi is better than yours as well..........Want to come round for a blind listening test (A good hard kicking)? Perhaps its just my mp3 player has a better DAC than yours?
 An electronic device with would effect....
 I suppose this is your dream ride, honky?
   <img src="" alt=" - " />


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Re: MP3 Player vs Mini Disc Walkman
« Reply #72 on: July 07, 2003, 04:35:00 pm »
Originally posted by the scientist:
    surround sound? are you listening to the new DVDs....? Otherwise  all my MP3s and Cds are two channel left, and right.
 So is your surround sound emmulated?
 Personally I cant tell the difference, my hifi is better than yours as well..........Want to come round for a blind listening test (A good hard kicking)? Perhaps its just my mp3 player has a better DAC than yours?
 An electronic device with would effect....
 I suppose this is your dream ride, honky?
Frequencies brother - they can be split and when you offer more frequnecies (a wave file) there's more sound to be thrown around than a compressed file (MP3).  Now even the Ipod/Mac heads aren't going to back you up on this one!  Nobody has ever argued that an Mp3 sounds as good as a wave file.  The advantage of an MP3 is compression.  And no, your Hi-fi can't shake a tale to mine.  I've seen yours, and mines bigger.   :eek:  
 And you of all people should know that I'm much more So Cal classic than that:
   <img src="" alt=" - " />
 Though I have looked at the PT cruiser, this would be the car for me.


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Re: MP3 Player vs Mini Disc Walkman
« Reply #73 on: July 07, 2003, 05:09:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
Frequencies brother - they can be split and when you offer more frequnecies (a wave file) there's more sound to be thrown around than a compressed file (MP3).  Now even the Ipod/Mac heads aren't going to back you up on this one!   [/b][/QUOTE]
 Sure, I understand the technology and the principle of compression. I just dont think on my hifi that I can tell the difference.
 This could be for many reasons, including being deaf or having a better digital to analogue converter in the ipod than the CD player.
 Sure, your hifi is bigger and has more buttons....
 Mine is just 'nad(s).