Author Topic: Camper Van Beethoven  (Read 14892 times)


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Re: Camper Van Beethoven
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2003, 02:52:00 pm »
i'll admit, some if my favorites sounded a bit half hearted in the first set, but i thought cvb totally redeemed themselves in the second set. i felt that they had a lot more energy and the set flowed a lot better. plus, they played a lot more off of telephone free landslide in the second set.<BR>my only complaint was the guy next to me singing all the words before the band did, but there are annoying people like that at every show.


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Re: Camper Van Beethoven
« Reply #31 on: January 26, 2003, 03:04:00 pm »
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Veranda">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by markie:<BR><B>might of known you would have ended up feeling depressed. You always just bring everyone down all the time dont you Neil?<P>  </B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>fucker


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Re: Camper Van Beethoven
« Reply #32 on: January 26, 2003, 03:29:00 pm »
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Veranda">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jadetree:<BR><B>hey guys you are really bringing me down with all of this</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>shut up Neil!<BR> <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>[/url]


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Re: Camper Van Beethoven
« Reply #33 on: January 26, 2003, 03:36:00 pm »
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Veranda">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by markie:<BR><B> shut up Neil!<BR> <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>[/url] </B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>check your email


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Re: Camper Van Beethoven
« Reply #34 on: January 26, 2003, 06:43:00 pm »
Yeah, I wasn't into it at all. I left after the first set. Not my crowd, not my sound. Quite frankly, I was bored. I knew I should have gone to see Antibalas.


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Re: Camper Van Beethoven
« Reply #35 on: January 26, 2003, 07:58:00 pm »
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Veranda">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jadetree:<BR><B>Wow, disappointment, CVB did nothing for me tonight, left in the middle of the second set, they did not give me any sense that they wanted to be playing their music, all my favorites sounded half hearted.</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Did we go to the same show?<P>Camper was amazing!  It's early, but it'll be hard to knock off last night's performance as best of 2003. They performed virtually their entire catalog with great energy and skill.  tight.  inspired.  The positive vibes coming from the stage were unreal.  The only downer was the noise interlude in "tusk" at the end of the first set was a bit long.  <P>I had to leave after 3 hours so I'd also say it's a bummer if they didn't get around to Borderline and Never Go Back, but border ska, good guys and bad guys, sad lover's waltz, skinheads, opi rides again, and virtually all of Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart were well worth triple the price of admission.

Sir HC

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Re: Camper Van Beethoven
« Reply #36 on: January 27, 2003, 11:07:00 am »
I agree with J'Mal.  I loved the show, I love the band, and I thought they were quite on.  They played everything I wanted to hear (one friend wanted Interstellar overdrive but c'est la vie).  Glad they allowed taping, and the concert was recorded by DCN so it will be out there for those who couldn't go.<P>Oh, and the two guys in back were from Cracker (I recognized the accordian).

Re: Camper Van Beethoven
« Reply #37 on: January 27, 2003, 11:57:00 am »
From the Post<P>Camper Van Beethoven<P><BR>Ironic rock and the digital age don't make for fast friends. Camper Van Beethoven's Saturday show at the 9:30 club fell victim to the non-relationship.<P>A reformed Camper, an outfit that first popped up in Santa Cruz, Calif., in 1983 and broke up seven years later, is now touring in support of both a box-set retrospective and a self-consciously quirky remake of Fleetwood Mac's "Tusk" -- not just the song, the entire album. That sort of patent absurdity was, from the start, a part of the band's manifesto: Camper was perhaps the only act of its generation that had a violinist and covered the same turf as the Southern California punks.<P>Singer and frontman David Lowery, whom longtime fans remember as quite a between-songs banterer back in the day, let the laptop computer that sat on a desk beside him onstage do most of the talking on this night -- "Regime change in Washington!" the digital voice kept repeating. Lowery likewise traded e-mails across the stage with violinist Jonathan Segel, also equipped with a laptop, during song breaks. (Lead guitarist Greg Lisher offered a possible motive for his mates' sullenness, explaining that the band had been "Maced" by fans a night earlier in Philadelphia.)<P>On a more positive note, Camper generously gave the old guard all the material it came for over the two-set, three-hour show. When rendering "Take the Skinheads Bowling," a college-rock power-pop fave from 1986, he delivered the line that served as a template for songs of the next generation of slacker rock bands, such as Pavement: "I had a dream / It was about nothing." Other highlights included "The Day That Lassie Went to the Moon" and "The Ambiguity Song," which despite the title remains almost pop enough for Tom Petty. But the show hit a brick wall when Lowery announced he wanted to do "Devil Song," a tune he said the band hadn't performed in 14 years. But first he needed to look up the lyrics on the Internet. Some members of the crowd began heading for the exits during the computer interlude, and all momentum was lost. Worst of all, "Devil Song" wasn't worth the wait.<BR>


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Re: Camper Van Beethoven
« Reply #38 on: January 27, 2003, 12:28:00 pm »
The Post guy is an idiot.  Did he really think Lowery was surfing the internet during the show, or that they were emailing each other?  It sounded to me like they were joking about it, part of the night's running joke theme about technology in general (the computer voice, and the interesting use of the beeping from the new camper album to "connect" various songs).  BUt yeah, Devil song wasn't a highlight of the show.<P><BR>Yeah, Frank Funaro and Kenny Margolis were from Cracker, but they've all played together.  The Apothecary tour with both bands playing each other's songs also had the same energy as Saturday's CVB show, which was better than the subsequent dud Cracker album/tour (dud cracker is still damn good).

Sir HC

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Re: Camper Van Beethoven
« Reply #39 on: January 27, 2003, 01:41:00 pm »
They were actually connected.  Know that for fact, and they were trading emails across stage.  I don't think that the delay ruined the show, just made it so that you didn't get 1/2 a song and some f**k up.<P>The macing was real too.  David walked into a cloud of mace when he went on stage, got in his hair and when they played sweated into his eyes.  Bad scene.<P>I have to say that it was a pretty well behaved audience, unlike some of the Cracker shows where idiots would talk through the whole set.

Henry Dark

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Re: Camper Van Beethoven
« Reply #40 on: January 27, 2003, 01:51:00 pm »
Or crack you over the head with their beer bottle.<P> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Veranda">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sir HC:<BR><B><P>I have to say that it was a pretty well behaved audience, unlike some of the Cracker shows where idiots would talk through the whole set.</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>


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Re: Camper Van Beethoven
« Reply #41 on: January 27, 2003, 02:52:00 pm »
My experience at Cracker shows in DC is that there is always a jerk or two in attendance; Saturday was no exception.  Fortunately there were no major incidents (a la Philadelphia).  At Cracker shows the hecklers are always "requesting" Camper songs; I found it amusing that they were now requesting Cracker songs at the Camper show.  Whatever.<P>Having said that, I loved the show.  The highlight for me was "The Day That Lassie Went to the Moon" ... transitioning into "Club Med Sucks."  I also enjoyed "Waka", "Good Guys & Bad Guys", and "When I Win the Lottery."  And of course the cover songs, "Wasted" and "Pictures of Matchstick Men" (I wonder if Cracker/Camper will cover another Status Quo song, "In the Army Now").<P>As for playing the "Devil Song" (and, for that matter, the new Cracker song, "Duty Free"), I thought they were fairly timely choices.  Perhaps not musically so, but with lyrics like, "Hey, wanna start a war / I'm tired of this old one," they seemed rather appropriate.


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Re: Camper Van Beethoven
« Reply #42 on: January 27, 2003, 03:08:00 pm »
Lowery also changed "known communist" to "known islamist" in Lottery... damn that song sounds good in concert.  I'd say 80% of the concert was out of this world extraordinary, the rest OK, and the tusk interval, well...<P>


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Re: Camper Van Beethoven
« Reply #43 on: January 27, 2003, 03:29:00 pm »
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Veranda">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by fairfaxfinn:<BR><B>My experience at Cracker shows in DC is that there is always a jerk or two in attendance; Saturday was no exception.  Fortunately there were no major incidents (a la Philadelphia).  At Cracker shows the hecklers are always "requesting" Camper songs; I found it amusing that they were now requesting Cracker songs at the Camper show.  Whatever.<P>Having said that, I loved the show.  The highlight for me was "The Day That Lassie Went to the Moon" ... transitioning into "Club Med Sucks."  I also enjoyed "Waka", "Good Guys & Bad Guys", and "When I Win the Lottery."  And of course the cover songs, "Wasted" and "Pictures of Matchstick Men" (I wonder if Cracker/Camper will cover another Status Quo song, "In the Army Now").<P>As for playing the "Devil Song" (and, for that matter, the new Cracker song, "Duty Free"), I thought they were fairly timely choices.  Perhaps not musically so, but with lyrics like, "Hey, wanna start a war / I'm tired of this old one," they seemed rather appropriate.</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I would say that of the whole show (well the part I stayed for anyway) "Good Guys & Bad Guys", "Joe Stalinâ??s Cadillac"  and "When I Win the Lottery" were the most enjoyable for me.  The performance of my two favorite songs "Pictures Of Matchstick Men" and "All Her Favorite Fruit" probably ruined the show for me.

Sir HC

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Re: Camper Van Beethoven
« Reply #44 on: January 27, 2003, 03:38:00 pm »
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Veranda">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jadetree:<BR><B> I would say that of the whole show (well the part I stayed for anyway) "Good Guys & Bad Guys", "Joe Stalinâ??s Cadillac"  and "When I Win the Lottery" were the most enjoyable for me.  The performance of my two favorite songs "Pictures Of Matchstick Men" and "All Her Favorite Fruit" probably ruined the show for me.</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Why did they ruin it for you, I love "All her favorite Fruit" and thought they did it justice.  So anyone get a tape of it or remember the Clash cover (I thought it was white riot but forget now...)?