Author Topic: Ben Gibbard  (Read 8030 times)


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Re: Ben Gibbard
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2007, 08:39:00 pm »
Agreed.  I'm regretting passing on this show.  If smackette hears this I'm going to have to find some tix to the sold out Filmore show.

Darth Ed

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Re: Ben Gibbard
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2007, 11:26:00 pm »
What a fantastic show!
 Honestly, I haven't been listening to DCFC or Postal Service at all lately, so I wasn't exactly excited for this show. But that all changed about two words into Gibbard's first song. I absolutely loved the minimalist, almost delicate arrangements, intimately performed. Beautiful. I enjoyed this show more than the full band Death Cab shows I've seen in the past. The crowd was really into it, whispering nearly every lyric to nearly every song, not too loudly though so as not to overwhelm the performance. The sound quality wasn't all that great for the opening acts, but it was spot on perfect for Ben.
 I really enjoyed Jonathan Rice's opening set, particularly his "We're All Stuck Out In The Desert" song, so I picked up his 3-song EP for $3 (A Girl Called Miami). Well, worth it! Besides the aforementioned song, it also includes a duet with Jenny Lewis.
 I was less than enthused with David Bazan. I didn't really care for either his singing or his songwriting. I really thought his set dragged, like it might go on forever. Ugh. I realize that I'm probably in the minority here, considering the amount of applause he received at the club.


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Re: Ben Gibbard
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2007, 02:21:00 am »
yet another great evening at the club.  forgive me, bboard, for i know not what i am about to write... corrections to follow in the morning no doubt.
 i got there in time for the second half of rice's set, and other than the aforementioned "we're all stuck", he didn't do much for me.  i was surrounded by peeps who wouldn't STFU, so that had a detrimental effect.  beyond that, i just didn't feel he connected with me (definitely didn't connect with the crowd).  there were some pretty songs under all that noise, but didn't come through.
 Bazan was a little better for me, personally.  he totally floored the place, from where i was standing (right balcony) when he explained why he was enuciating slowly between songs.  "i was upstairs during jonathan (rice's) set, and i couldn't understand anything he was saying... not that i'm complaining (about the noise), it's a gift to be playing here tonight, so to those who can hear me (over the chatter) i hope you enjoy" (my paraphrasing).  that managed to get a few folks to STFU.  awesome.
 ben was simply great.  had the place eating out of his palm, and he played to us like a pro.  "glove compartement" on the piano was an absolute treat.  "all apologies" sounded much better than i was expecting, fit in to the set perfectly.  overall, his voice was in top shape.  lots of people mouthing words without it being an annoying sing-along.
 i left the show on a total high.  so high, in fact, that the lady and i drove back home, i had a quick bite to eat... and returned to the club for the second show, bought a ticket for face out front.  yes, that good.
 first show: crowd = 9/10, ben = 8.  second show: reverse.  at the second show, there were two groups of frat boys who wouldn't STFU ("GIBBARD, YOU RULE!!! YEAH MAAAAN, WOOOOO!!!!").   ben remarked as much during a quiet passage of "we looked like giants" (he made a similar remark during the first show, although less cutting - more along the lines of "wow, what a weird reaction" - different song, can't remember which one at the moment).  despite this, another way-above-average performance.  during ben's second set, somebody from The Office (supposedly) came out with a guitar and got some banter going... i've never seen the american series (yes, seriously) so i'm only going on what people around me were saying.
 only rice opened for the second show, and ben came out to duet on the opening song - definitely lent some cred to rice.  much better audience reception, overall.
 the club did indeed sound amazing, again - that's two nights in a row.  has something been done/changed to the PA?  whatever it is, please keep it up.
 zzz...  tomorrow is going to suck, yet again.


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Re: Ben Gibbard
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2007, 03:29:00 am »
DC Setlist 5/10
 Early Show
 To Sing For You
 Brand New Colony
 Title and Registration
 Crooked Teeth
 Live Here
 Passenger Seat
 Soul Meets Body
 Recycled Air
 Farmer Chords
 Lack of Color
 All Apologies (Nirvana Cover)


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Re: Ben Gibbard
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2007, 03:32:00 am »
DC Setlist 5/10
 Late Show
 Steadier Footing
 Empty Rooms
 Title and Registration
 Casino Blues
 Passenger Seat
 Soul Meets Body
 Crooked Teeth
 All Apologies (Nirvana Cover)
 Brand New Colony
 Lack of Color
 Notes:  Tim from the TV Show, The Office, was at the club.  He was the guy who got up on stage and Ben sang him a song to get off stage.
 Personally, I thought the second show was better


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Re: Ben Gibbard
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2007, 08:18:00 am »
Originally posted by bizou311®:
  DC Setlist 5/10
 Early Show...
where is "couches in alleys" (the styrofoam song) on there?  i cannot believe i heard that song played -- i love it and was amazed he pulled that one out!  
 i think my above comments in my previous post were kind of selfish.  please strike those from the record.
 i enjoyed both jonathan and david, too.  and i completely understand how loud the audience was during their sets.  but i have to say this: i was standing maybe 10 people away from jonathan during his set and i couldn't hear a word he said.  yes, the crowd drowned his voice out, but he mumbled through his banter.  if you want people to hear you, you can't mumble.
 further, i appreciate the fact that jonathan was frustrated with the crowd.  but he just walked off the stage when he was done -- no "thanks", no "see you later".  just walked off.  i was dissapointed to see he couldn't say thanks to those who actually came early to see him.  maybe it's just me...oh well.
 ben was fantastic.  amazing show.  i wish i could have stuck around to see the second one -- this is the second time in a row "we looked like giants" was played at the other show!  at least i didn't miss "styrofoam plates".  can't wait to see him or death cab again.


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Re: Ben Gibbard
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2007, 09:05:00 am »
I love Tim!
 aw, sorry I missed it.

miss pretentious

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Re: Ben Gibbard
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2007, 09:37:00 am »
so how excited was i that he played farmer chords?
 amazing show. i wish i had been able to get tickets to the late show as well, but i'm not complaining... i'm just happy to have seen him at all.

miss pretentious

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Re: Ben Gibbard
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2007, 09:45:00 am »
and wait. tim? wtf? who is that... i can't even find a credited tim anywhere.
 are we sure it wasn't toby? or tony? or even todd? oh dear god help me if it were todd and i missed it.


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Re: Ben Gibbard
« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2007, 09:56:00 am »
i meant Jim, from The Office.

miss pretentious

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Re: Ben Gibbard
« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2007, 10:04:00 am »
 i need confirmation on this WITH PHOTOS ASAP.


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Re: Ben Gibbard
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2007, 10:14:00 am »
sorry, i have no photos.


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Re: Ben Gibbard
« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2007, 10:30:00 am »
I have the early setlist the same as bizou311® except I have 'Couches In Alleys' (Styrofoam / Gibbard) in place of Breeze?

Darth Ed

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Re: Ben Gibbard
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2007, 10:40:00 am »
Aw, man, I wish he had been at the early show. I love "The Office."


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Re: Ben Gibbard
« Reply #29 on: May 11, 2007, 10:59:00 am »
you guys didn't miss anything.  the whole interaction was kinda awkweird... basically he came on stage with a guitar as if to do a duet, ben at first was confused, then asked him to leave and finally got him off the stage with a promise to "play him a song".  i couldn't tell if it was all scripted (and ben was a bad actor); or if it was real, i.e. he busted unannounced on to the stage and ben had to talk him into leaving.  the whole thing was over in a minute and a half.  it wasn't funny or even entertaining, really.
 and and i mis-named "title and registration" as "glove compartement" above, but was actually talking about "passenger seat"... it was late, i was tired, they're both car-related...
 great shows    :)