it would have been nice just as a Evening with the Furries, as while the warm-up acts weren't horrid and unlistenable they didn't any value
Holy Fuck were pretty good, but need to work on their compositional skills a little... as all the songs had the same format of intro followed by a couple crescendos... Interesting melodies and hooks just very predictable. Plus, it's a pet peeve of mine but they need to figure out how to keep the flow going between songs. short song with lots of stops kinda of an energy killer..
Fiery Furnances - just didn't see what all the fuss is about them, to me they were just overly clever with all the tempo and what not changes and in need of a little editing.
SFA on the other fan had me engaged and hanging on every note from the get go. They are one of those bands that while I'll don't listen to them on frequent basis, the songs have seeped into my psyche. They also show restraint as they know how to keep the jammin' to just enough to just the right amount. They seem like the types that could easily get lost in the weeds with the guitar wankery... Rarely do I go into a show like this with any set lists of songs I'd like to hear, but they definitely played a number of my favs. Do I wish they had cut loose more often like they did for "The Man Who Don't Give a Fuck"? Of course but the softer stuff works just as well....