Wow! after reading this thread I was so hoping for something really great. Im a huge fan of SSPU, but last nights show was a f'ing nightmare. Granted it was entertaining at moments, but if there were vocals on songs, you'd have never known. Songs were indistinguishable because the guitars were so loud and everything sounded the same. It was pure disappointment.
For entertainment - we did get a lesson gravity and jumping up and down, vs jumping into your neighbors and starting a mosh pit. so basically the only time you could hear any vocals is when the band was not playing.
This has occurred at plenty of shows in the past at Webster Hall and I thought this was remedied, but perhaps not. Needless to say, Im not rushing out to see them anytime soon. It might have been one of the worst shows I've seen this year.
It didnt help that I saw LCD Soundsystem the night before at Webster Hall, and that show kicked ass!
My friend agreed with me, so I know it just wasnt me. A lot of disappointed fans.
Sea Wolf were OK. A bit mellow, but their second to last song, was really enjoyable. The cellist and drummer joined up on 2 different songs with the band. Cant remember what they were right now, one possibly Lazy Eye but I'm not entirely sure.