boycott dc. stop going out in dc. frankly i find it a pain in the ass to go into dc unless its a short hop across the river into gtown to plenty of parking-land. i dont do metro. hell, there are people in texas and saudi arabia depending on me -- would u take food out of the mouths of their children? commie!
seriously, dc is awful full of itself. frankly im not real keen on the smell of piss as i walk down the streets and i swear to god every time im in dc i walk past some guy muttering about the cia or some shit like that. i used to live at 20th and S st nw in a lil studio [in 1998 $420/mo!] and among the the reasons i move to va was the panhndling homeless folks who lived all along the street and the cops wouldnt arrest not bc they couldnt but bc "they'll be back out" when they bothered ppl especially women. if dc spent half as much time on the real problems in dc instead of harassing ppl who had 1 bloody beer and then drove at the ultra dangerous high rates of speed u can attain in all those effin lights even if u ARE going as far as out of town -- whoa u will reach, what, mach-30mph?! scooters go faster! [said in jive accent] "watch out!" hell, ive been in more danger by friggin wanton bicyclists running me down. dc ought to go eff itself. its getting awful full of itself -- did this occur because the refurbishment of neighborhoods, that is ousting the locals and supplying housing for yuppies...? southeast still looks like SE to me. seems this city isnt doing squat for the poor. real easy to provide for the rich [yuppies], and yes, u and me. doesnt take much effort to give favors for builders and contractors and follow the money.
oh and i luv the handgun ban, yeah real effective - to keep them out of hands of responsible gun-owners and the prey in dc who need to protect themselves. brilliant, it ought to keep the guns out of gang-member hoodlum hands, u kno how they always follow the law, they're just misunderstood.
one of the articles told of the guy with a clearance or seeking one that this seriously effed with. one more reason to go elsewhere than dc if youve got a clearance. an arrest could make u lose your job and career. perhaps dc would be happy if all those well-paid clearnaced ppl and their $$ stayed away.
this quote from the article is rich:
"Fair [the arresting cop] acknowledged that many people aren't aware of the District's policy. "But it is our law," he said. "If you don't know about it, then you're a victim of your own ignorance." "
------------ this is why you dont leave shit up to the discretion of some power-loving cop and to take advantage of people not knowing an obscure little known law that u essentially hide fro mthe public due to it being completely out of step with common practice. like dc couldnt post some adverts on the side of busses, pulease. they know what theyr hiding and why. think of all the violent or criminal cases delayed by this shit wasting already strained court resources -- again no regard for the safety and qualityof life for city residents -- jus tgo after the easy pickins.
so why not help make va less suburban come spend your bread here. plenty of space, plenty of parking.
im sorry did i say too much, like the truth? um, i was just kidding about all of this i didnt really mean it [sarcasm].