Asobi Seksu cancelled last minute, something about the singer getting sick.
Hospital sick. I haven't done any poking around online yet to try and find out what exactly happened and whether she's okay. Anyone know anything?
It's a good thing I was already planning on heading over to see Red Sparowes after Asobi Seksu's set, because it would have really sucked for me to have driven all the way down to DC for nothing.
I've missed three or four chances to see Asobi Seksu now, which really sucks.
Red Sparowes attempted to demolish the Rock and Roll Hotel with a ridiculously amazing wall of sound. Awesome show.
Everyone have fun with Of Montreal. I was originally planning on going, but then Badly Drawn Boy was announced. I've seen Of Montreal before, but I've never seen Badly Drawn Boy, so the latter wins. I'm considering driving over to Philly on Thursday to catch Of Montreal over there, though.