It was a very good show, but I have to say I was a little disappointed. It missed a certain magic that last year's show had. Neko mentioned something about needing to wake up at the beginning of her set, and it showed. The first 3-4 songs were rather low energy. It got better as the show went on, but it never quite hit the high mark of last year's show. The audience didn't really seem to be as enthusiastic as last year either, as I recall, and that didn't help with the overall energy level of the show. (By energy level, I mean the intensity of the performance and subsequent audience reaction.) I would have liked to have heard a couple more Fox Confessor songs such as "Margaret Vs. Pauline" as well. "John Saw That Number" was the main highlight, but it might have come too late. Or maybe it was just me! Last year's show was probably the best show I attended all last year. I suppose it was inevitable that any follow-up show would suffer in comparison.
I admired Eric Bachmann's guitar playing on a few songs, but I was a little bored by his opening set for the most part, except, of course, for when Neko and her slide guitarist came out to help on one song. The Mexican lullabies didn't really do anything for me.