Well aren't you just a barrel of fu%king sunshine...dude you need to take something for that social anxiety disorder that you seem to have. This is not a train concert so don't get your panties in a bunch.
Hmmm, if you actually read some of the posts on this board (you know from them "illiterate scumbags" that you speak of). You would have known that you could have purchased the tickets BEFORE the show was announced on the 930 site. And a few months ago (July? I think) you would have read posts about the band and how great they are live.
So, while you get "cool kid" points for making the Blackcat show...realize that not everyone can be as cool (some of us were on their honeymoon...). Asshat.
Originally posted by nayr497:
Where were all you douchebags last June when they played at the Black Cat to a crowd of around 80 people? Oh, "music critics" hadn't told you they were cool yet so you didn't bother to see them. I get it. Now I have to see them will all you jerks and stand between some couple making out and some guy in a spikey metal belt. Awesome. I wish each person with a ticket was illiterate and wasn't able to read the reviews so that I could see them by myself, completely alone. I hate sold out shows, I hate people who are "in" to "in" music. I've already seen them twice and yes, that means I find music on my own, unlike you scumbags.