Heh... I remember living in Bethesda in the 1980s, WHFS was already increasingly unsatisfying, and we were reaching out anxiously for the faint signal of WMUC, like the light from a very distant star. College Park could have been light years away, but I strung a wire out in my parents's yard, which allowed me to bring in its crackly signal, and it was the first time I heard The Residents, and Frank Zappa, and "I'm Afraid of the Russians." I later learned from some tech dood that worked there that they'd been boosting the signal illegally -- without that, even my crude antenna would have been for naught. My band did a live show on the air there once, and despite the lack of a physically present audience it was one of the best shows we ever played; Madhouse (later Strange Boutique) played with us that night, and warmed up with an impromptu version of "Spirit of the Radio" by Rush.