Author Topic: Ashlee Simpson  (Read 3516 times)


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Re: Ashlee Simpson
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2004, 10:52:00 am »
I can't find a video link that works...they all seem to be down.    :(    I'd love to laugh at the lass...
 From Salon:
 Falling to "Pieces"
 Ashlee Simpson's lip-synching drama on "SNL" exposed her as the concocted rocker chick we already knew she was.
 - - - - - - - - - - - -
 By Heather Havrilesky
 Oct. 24, 2004  |  It happened at the beginning of Ashlee Simpson's second musical performance on "Saturday Night Live." She and her band stood ready to perform the song "Autobiography" when suddenly, mysteriously, her vocal track from her hit song "Pieces of Me" -- which she had already "sung" earlier that evening -- began to play over the loudspeakers. Looking confused and embarrassed, Ashlee did a goofy jig for a few awkward moments, then smiled sheepishly to the audience. Then she slinked offstage. As her band continued to play "Pieces of Me," the guitarist and the bassist exchanging a knowing smirk, and then the show cut to a commercial.
 And with one little recording mishap, young Ashlee cashed in whatever counterfeit street cred she and her handlers tried so hard to cultivate.
 At the end of the show, Ashlee appeared onstage with host Jude Law to apologize.
 Law: Ladies and gentlemen, what can I say? Live TV!
 Simpson: Exactly! I feel so bad! My band started playing the wrong song, and I didn't know what to do, so I thought I'd do a hoe-down!
 The normally rabid live audience reacted with stilted laughter as Ashlee crammed as many "Oops!" and "What can you do?" gestures as possible into her final few seconds on the air. That hapless little-sister, "Sure, I'm pathetic, but in a cute way!" shtick that made her MTV reality show, "The Ashlee Simpson Show," so popular, won her the devotion of scores of fans, and contributed to selling almost two million copies of her debut album, "Autobiography," now wore thin.
 Of course, blaming her band and shrugging it all off as an adorable mishap didn't help, and Geffen Records didn't offer much assistance, either, blaming the snafu on a computer glitch, according to an AP report. The company claimed that, instead of pre-taped drums, the computer played a recording of "Pieces of Me." Not a bad excuse -- if they hadn't played a pared-down, raw-sounding vocal track, and not the normal recording.
 Like it or not, plenty of pop performers use pre-recorded tracks, and since Simpson's performance on MTV's Music Video Awards in August was roundly criticized as unimpressive and off-key, it's probably not surprising that Ashlee and her handlers would opt to lip-synch. It's also not surprising that Ashlee isn't the best live performer around; after all, she's hardly performed before. MTV captured her first live performance ever at The Knitting Factory in L.A., replete with promotional fraudience swooning enthusiastically for the cameras. Far from the baby steps most performers take from open-mic nights to small venues, Ashlee was thrust, camera-ready, at age 19, into the drooling maw of the public, hardly given half a chance to come into her own as a songwriter, a performer, or a human being, really.
 But just as Ashlee's career was formed in the exhaust of an overhyped publicity vehicle and fueled by a choreographed media dogpile, so might her career go down in flames befitting such a carelessly engineered persona. Hours after the SNL incident, several Websites dug up an interview in Lucky Magazine, where Ashlee professed her disdain for pre-recorded vocals.
 Lucky: What are your takes on lip-synching?
 Simpson: I'm totally against it and offended by it. I'm going out to let my real talent show, not to just stand there and dance around. Personally, I'd never lip-synch. It's just not me.
 Still, no matter how much Ashlee comes under fire for being a fraud -- as if her entire reality show weren't focused on the blatant, unapologetic fabrication of pop celebrity -- Ashlee herself is too young and naive to be held accountable for the countless errors in judgment that have been made in handling her career. While her father/manager Joe Simpson has been described by the New York Times as a tenacious entrepreneur, you have to question the wisdom of a man who, having transformed his eldest daughter, Jessica, from second-string pop star into reality TV guinea pig and pop cultural punchline, would set his sites on squeezing his more sensitive, emotional daughter into the same celebrity mold. No matter how many times we saw Ashlee stomping her feet and insisting on doing things her way on her show -- which mostly boiled down to which shade of chestnut to dye her blonde hair -- it was always clear that she was a helpless pawn in someone else's intensely profitable game.
 Ultimately, her show was a close-up glimpse of Pop Star Day Care. Ashlee was shepherded around town, meeting with the hit songwriters the label hired that week, showing up at her first crowded gig looking petrified, being coached by her sister on how to handle the attention. Maybe, given her sister's trajectory, it seemed perfectly natural to Ashlee and her father that she should launch her career while cameras followed her every move. But who convinced her that it was a good idea to lip-synch?
 In a recent New York Times profile of Joe Simpson, Geffen's president Jordan Schur offers some insight into the unmaking of Ashlee Simpson "[W]hen I was arguing with Ashlee and I was firing her producers, and she was crying, 'Dad I'm so upset, do something,' any other manager -- forget father -- would have jumped in," reported Schur. "Joe sat there and didn't open his mouth. He said, 'Listen to Jordan.'"
 So what happens to Ashlee now? Given the degree to which most artists are invented by label executives and handlers, given the fact that we've seen this process in slow motion on show's like Ashlee's and Jessica's and "The Making of the Band," why would anyone object to getting a small peek behind the curtain?
 Because the public is fickle. Just as her invention as a pop diva captured its imagination, insuring that her album debuted at No. 1 while her sloppily-crafted pop-star self was still half-formed, so will they turn on her for being the fabricated, marketed, propped-up self that they knew she was from the start.
 But the real victim is Ashlee, who day in and day out races from one event to the next trying desperately to play her part as an alternative rocker who's actually just a regular, mainstream teenager, as a savvy businesswoman who really doesn't seem to have much say in her career at all, and as a seasoned performer who's actually inexperienced and ill-prepared. As ridiculous as Ashlee might look up there, shrugging and smiling apologetically, it's the puppet master holding her strings who really deserves to be strung up.
 - - - - - - - - - - - -
 About the writer
 Heather Havrilesky is Salon's TV critic. She also maintains the rabbit blog.

Random Citizen

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Re: Ashlee Simpson
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2004, 10:57:00 am »
Originally posted by Bags:
  I can't find a video link that works...they all seem to be down.     :(     I'd love to laugh at the lass...
The link upthread works for me. If you haven't tried already, use the "Save as..." right-click option and save it to your desktop.
 Or, see if these links work:
 Can't Sing
 Blame the band


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Re: Ashlee Simpson
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2004, 11:31:00 am »
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
Originally posted by sonickteam2: girl...
Are you using the term "my girl" to refer to a daughter or a girlfriend? [/b]
girlfriend, sorry.


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Re: Ashlee Simpson
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2004, 11:35:00 am »
Originally posted by chaz:
  She's since recanted her statement about blaming her band and copped to the whole thing.
 Here's a statement from her on the message board of her site:  
do you have a direct link to this? i  couldn't find it on her website.


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Re: Ashlee Simpson
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2004, 12:08:00 pm »
Originally posted by distance:
Originally posted by chaz:
  She's since recanted her statement about blaming her band and copped to the whole thing.
 Here's a statement from her on the message board of her site:  
do you have a direct link to this? i  couldn't find it on her website. [/b]
No sorry...I'm trying to but that site it bogged down now.  go here - and it's a few pages in.  It was posted at like 5 this am so that would help you find it.


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Re: Ashlee Simpson
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2004, 12:37:00 pm »
Originally posted by LonnieBeale:
  thank god ashlee (spell your name right) was exposed as a talentless fraud.  she represents all that is wrong with the music industry. she is only famous because she has a better-looking sister with big boobs who is famous for resurrecting her failed pop career by letting tv cameras display on cable how big a moron she is.
wow...retract the claws!  however, I couldn't have said it better myself!

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Re: Ashlee Simpson
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2004, 12:40:00 pm »
Originally posted by Random Citizen:
   <img src="" alt=" - " />
Who let the Irish in?


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Re: Ashlee Simpson
« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2004, 12:50:00 pm »
thats Jessica Simpson's Sister?
 who is thier Dad, that can only be the key to thier success........


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Re: Ashlee Simpson
« Reply #23 on: October 25, 2004, 05:59:00 pm »
so will we get rid of her faster than potty-mouthed porkster Kelly Osbourne?


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Re: Ashlee Simpson
« Reply #24 on: October 25, 2004, 10:18:00 pm »
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
    They edited the show for the west coast broadcast.
For the West Coast Version, they just took out her voice track. The drummer and the bass player start playing the track they were supposed to play, when the voice track kicks in (which you can't hear on the west coast feed), the guys just akwardly switch the song and play the song that the voice track was playing.  Because you don't hear the wrong voice track come on, it just looks really awkward to see this girl up there dancing around like a leprechaun.  I may keep this on the TiVo for a long time just for the laughs!
 Cheers to SNL for not letting her re-shoot it and keeping the show "Live" even three hours delayed.  You make a decision honey, you gotta stick by it.


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Re: Ashlee Simpson
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2004, 09:10:00 pm »
it is very funny.  she is so punk and edgy! spelling her name ash x x. because she forgot the rest of the letters.  
 why can't music just end.  thats why i want chaney to be prez. he looks like the type to ban music.  i think in the long run it would be better for man kind.  it would ruin my life but it would be for the best and thats all that is just going to keep getting worse...with rappers running out of new words...


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Re: Ashlee Simpson
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2004, 09:15:00 pm »
Originally posted by flawd101:
    thats why i want chaney to be prez.
God help the youth of America.
 Lucky for us, "chaney" will never be president.


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Re: Ashlee Simpson
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2004, 11:53:00 pm »
How hypocritical of the press to lash out at her for lip-synching. It's been a generally known fact that all "performers" (note: Big difference between a performer and a musician) have been doing this for years. It doesn't change the fact that if this girl wasn't jessica Simpson's sister we never would have heard of her, unless she actually had some talent, drive and ability, in which case, I'm sure that we would have. (on a side note, I've heard some of her album, and, man, 13 year old girls will buy ANYTHING)

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Re: Ashlee Simpson
« Reply #28 on: October 28, 2004, 02:03:00 am »


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Re: Ashlee Simpson
« Reply #29 on: October 28, 2004, 02:59:00 pm »
It reminds of  This article I read in October! Here's a tidbit from an interview with Stuart Smith (Heaven & Earth, Sweet):
It's a mess. People who have no right even being on a stage are getting signed and having huge amounts of money put behind them simply because they have a famous sister or are seen on television on a regular basis. I was watching the one of these entertainment shows on television last night and they were interviewing the ex-wife of the guy that Britney Spears is going to marry. She said at the end of the interview that she was now going out as a singer. I can guarantee that by the end of next week she'll have been offered a record deal and will have all kinds of press weather she has talent or not. Just wait and see. The industry is such a joke at the moment. If the major labels would actually get behind someone who could really sing or play and put the massive amounts of promotion and publicity at their disposal into them as they do with half the yo-yo's they sign we'd have some half decent music out there. The trouble is that the industry is run by a bunch of lawyers and accountants and not by people who really have a love of music like Ahmet Ertegun with Atlantic Records did in the old days, they're signing people who have no talent but a high profile for whatever reason.
That pretty much sums up why people are complaining about music today!