Author Topic: New Fillmore in Silver Spring; New Birchmere in College  (Read 15071 times)


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Re: New Fillmore in Silver Spring; New Birchmere in College
« Reply #45 on: September 29, 2007, 12:05:00 am »
clear channel was just bought out by a couple of private equity firms for $19.5 billion.  they will probably split up the empire.

Bombay Chutney

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Re: New Fillmore in Silver Spring; New Birchmere in College
« Reply #46 on: October 01, 2007, 09:15:00 am »
It seems to be getting uglier.  The $4million in state funds may be traveling to College Park with the Birchmere, rather than staying with the Silver Spring venue.  That could cause problems with the Live Nation deal.
 Washington Post


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Re: New Fillmore in Silver Spring; New Birchmere in College
« Reply #47 on: October 01, 2007, 10:12:00 am »
Originally posted by Bombay Chutney:
  It seems to be getting uglier.  The $4million in state funds may be traveling to College Park with the Birchmere, rather than staying with the Silver Spring venue.  That could cause problems with the Live Nation deal.
 Washington Post
Lessee: </font>
  • <font size="2" face="Arial, Veranda">Silver Spring residents would have much prefered the Birchmere</font></li>
  • <font size="2" face="Arial, Veranda">UM is run by the state</font></li>
  • <font size="2" face="Arial, Veranda">Duncan's interest is now with UM</font></li>
  • <font size="2" face="Arial, Veranda">The Birchmere will reportedly collaborate with UM's School of Music</font></li>
  • <font size="2" face="Arial, Veranda">The Birchmere is a single-venue local company loved by its patrons for 40 years</font></li>
  • <font size="2" face="Arial, Veranda">Live Nation is a giant conglomerate loathed wherever it goes</font></li>
<font size="2" face="Arial, Veranda">
 Birchmere pwns Live Nation.


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Re: New Fillmore in Silver Spring; New Birchmere in College
« Reply #48 on: October 03, 2007, 01:44:00 pm »
whilst browsing the net, i ran into this tasty piece of info, for those who would like to call in and voice their opinions to those involved:
 Elected Officials to Host Call-In Show on Cable
 Montgomery County leaders are opening the phone lines to residents with complaints, compliments or questions. County Executive  <> Isiah Leggett (D) and County Council President  <> Marilyn Praisner (D-Eastern County) will host the first in a series of live, televised call-in shows tomorrow night, saying they will take questions on any topic of local interest.
 To participate, residents can call 240-777-6540 during the show, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. The show will be broadcast on Channel 6, the county's cable channel, and on the county's Web site,  <>


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Re: New Fillmore in Silver Spring; New Birchmere in College
« Reply #49 on: October 03, 2007, 03:34:00 pm »
Originally posted by DaveKShape:
 To participate, residents can call 240-777-6540 during the show, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. The show will be broadcast on Channel 6, the county's cable channel, and on the county's Web site,  <>
actually, looks like this article was from yesterday.  so the show is actually *tonight*.  if you've got something to say, now's your chance to say it.


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Re: New Fillmore in Silver Spring; New Birchmere in College
« Reply #50 on: October 08, 2007, 12:50:00 am »
If you check out  this week's Show & Tell in the Washington City Paper with the "Live Nation Frustation" story, several other club owner chime in on the new Fillmore in Silver Spring. They also have someone from pollstar talk about the concerns the 930 club is addressing.


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Re: New Fillmore in Silver Spring; New Birchmere in College
« Reply #51 on: October 08, 2007, 05:35:00 am »
"But Rock & Roll Hotel owner Joe Englert isn??t worried. He says opening another music space near D.C. could actually benefit local venues. ??I think that
 one of the reasons that D.C. hasn??t had a great reputation for live music in the past is that there hasn??t been enough places to see shows. I am sure that
 9:30 Club, Black Cat, and Rock & Roll will still be packing them in after Live Nation opens their venue,? he writes in an e-mail."
 And he's the one guy out of the 3 interviewed who's let live nation put on shows in his club recently. Unless the rnr hotel has changed hands in the last couple months that is.


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Re: New Fillmore in Silver Spring; New Birchmere in College
« Reply #52 on: October 08, 2007, 03:26:00 pm »
Rumor has it that Live Nation has approached him to buy out R&R Hotel.  Does that explain his jovial response?  Don't forget that some bands that play existing venues in DC, who are managed by Live Nation subsidiaries, might not be "allowed" to play 930/Black Cat/R&R if Live Nation venue/ticketing has 'em tied up for "Fillmore Maryland". Right now, LN doesn't play that since the Verizon venue is reserved for mega-bands that can fill 20-30,000 seats.
 Also, I'm not sure how Seth's contract requirement  stipulating than no band can play another show within 50 (or is it 75?) miles of DC within 30 days of a gig at 930 Club will fit into this "new" pecking order since "Fillmore Maryland" will probably have similar capacity as 930?????.  Complicated cwap...and don't think for one minute LN won't be jacking up ticket prices.  They're all about making MASSIVE MONEY and locking up every angle of the music business...Where's the love?


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Re: New Fillmore in Silver Spring; New Birchmere in College
« Reply #53 on: October 08, 2007, 04:11:00 pm »
Originally posted by Bartelby:
  Rumor has it that Live Nation has approached him to buy out R&R Hotel.  Does that explain his jovial response?  
There is plenty of not so good blood between RnR ownership and Live Nation. His response could have been far less jovial. Based on the size of DC, his comments are on point, we really could support these venues and more. But my concern is the generally apathetic audience they are all vying for. There are only so many music fans in DC willing to go see shows, and this has to be taken into consideration.


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Re: New Fillmore in Silver Spring; New Birchmere in College
« Reply #54 on: October 08, 2007, 10:49:00 pm »
why bother buy rnrH?  there are plenty of bldgs on H st ne they could buy.  rnrH is such a lame name, they should call it the fillmore DC.


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Re: New Fillmore in Silver Spring; New Birchmere in College
« Reply #55 on: October 09, 2007, 10:51:00 am »
Originally posted by Seth Hurwitz:
  my big gripe in all of this really is $8 million of taxpayers money being used to subsidize probably the last people that need it
This is my by biggest complaint as well.  If anyone wants to take the space over and start a business, they are welcome to do so.  But why do I have to contribute to it?
 F the Fillmore


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Re: New Fillmore in Silver Spring; New Birchmere in College
« Reply #56 on: October 15, 2007, 10:12:00 pm »
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  I think it's more analogous to two firms competing to get a top notch worker to come work for them, as opposed to the consumer goods market.
Originally posted by le sonick:
Originally posted by Seth Hurwitz:
Originally posted by bull930:
  more bands coming to DC!!!!!
same bands coming
 higher tickets after bidding wars [/b]
its strange that sometimes competition is good for prices, in other scenarios it is bad.
  of course, i guess seth isnt really the "consumer" here. [/b]
It is important to remember that this is just the beginning of the process.  There are plenty of opportunities for either the government agencies or Live Nation to fuck this up.  I have seen huge deals turn to dust (ok, so maybe i was doing a little more than just watching) because of something as simple as someone failing to give notice of a required public meeting, or because the power exercised by a local government to grant funds exceeded the scope of authority delegated to it by the state legislature (i.e., either the way they granted the funds or the grant itself was unconstitutional).
 If someone(s) was really curious about what is behind this deal, he/she/they might submit requests under the Maryland Public Information Act to the Montgomery County Department of Finance and the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development, and request all: letters of intent; applications; correspondence, including, but not limited to electronic mail; reports and studies submitted to the agencies; reports and studies created by the agencies for internal and external use; and all other records, which term is to be given the most expansive and inclusive reading, relating to the dedication of state or local funds, however generated, to the development of a live music venue in Silver Spring.  The Act will contain deadlines for the agencies' responses and conditions under which they may withhold the requested information.
 Also, look at the statutes and regulations that might govern this process (which regs apply depend on the exact source of funding), and start asking loaded questions when engaging in the debates -- either directly with government officials or members of the media.
 For instance, if the $4 million coming from Montgomery County is coming through the County's Economic Development Fund, the Code of Montgomery County Regulations ("COMCOR") states that an eligible entity is "any private employer (including nonprofits) which is located in the County that plans to substantially expand or retain operations in the County, or an employer that plans to locate in the County."  I.M.P. is a private employer incorporated under Maryland law with offices in Montgomery County and operations in Montgomery County, and by submitting its letter stating an interest in developing the Silver Spring site, it expressed an intent to expand, or at a minimum retain, its operations in the County.  Does the regulation really intend to treat all "private employers" equally or should an existing county business receive priority?
 The answer may be in the following regulations.  COMCOR states that "priority will be given to assistance that will materially improve the County's economy and advance the County's economic development objectives and strategies."  Well, Montgomery County houses an entire section about its commitment to small local businesses on the same webpage that it provides information about the economic development fund.  I.M.P. is a small local business operating in Montgomery County.  Wouldn't supporting -- or at least seriously considering -- I.M.P.'s proposal "advance the County's economic development objectives and strategies"?
 Further, the same regulation states that "HIGHEST consideration will be given to assistance that brings significant employment growth either by CREATING new jobs, EXPANDING existing operation, or by RETAINING jobs at an EXISTING operation."  COMCOR  I can't say for certain, but if I.M.P. were to open a venue in Silver Spring, it would be reasonable to assume that it would create new jobs.  Certainly, it would expand employment opportunities with an existing Montgomery County operation.  
 Moreover, "special consideration will be given to private employers whose activities, products, research or services enhance the County's quality of life, or if appropriate, have demonstrated a good record of citizenship." COMCOR  I.M.P. has been a tax-paying corporate citizen of Maryland for over 20 years.  Accordingly, I.M.P. has been promoting shows and improving the quality of life for residents of the state throughout that time and wishes to apply its expertise specifically to an enterprise in Silver Spring.  Live Nation doesn't even have offices in the state.  
 The point is -- whenever this much money is being handed over to a private enterprise by government bodies, there are a lot of i's to dot and t's to cross (and if tax incentives are part of the deal, whew ...)  Lawyers sift through this shit and argue until they are blue in the face.  Government officials expect that.  They do not expect the public to get in their face about it.  Elected officials everywhere pee their pants at the thought of having their own regs thrown back at them by constituents with questions about why they didn't do or consider XYZ.  Whether or not you feel obligated to advocate specifically for I.M.P. and the 9:30 Club, if you are a Maryland resident, you should want your government to use your money in a way that AT LEAST complies with the black letter law and legislative intent of their own rules.  Regardless of what ultimately happens, there is nothing wrong with making them be accountable for at least that.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: New Fillmore in Silver Spring; New Birchmere in College
« Reply #57 on: October 15, 2007, 10:35:00 pm »
tl; dr


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Re: New Fillmore in Silver Spring; New Birchmere in College
« Reply #58 on: October 24, 2007, 11:03:00 pm »
While I am slightly looking forward to the fillmore I dont think its really that big of a deal but then again im just a 17 year old metalhead. I live in silver spring and today I rode by the place and its only 30 minutes away walking distance and like 3 minute driving distance from my house. However I am completly clueless to really what kind of bands will be coming to the place. The place is in a pretty busy area but I'm interested in how their gonna book bands and make parking space. By the looks of the building that has a fillmore sign on it it will be amazing if its even half the size of 930 club. And one thing Ive noticed when I goto concerts in the dc area is that most people come from virginia area and a few from northern maryland. Is someone really gonna drive 20-60 miles to see some concert in silver spring? Time will tell but really 930 club has nothing to worry about unless the owner was really planning to build a club in silver spring. Im sure 930 wont lose much business from this. But if your asking me whether I would rather see my favorite band at the 930 club or the fillmore I got to go with the fillmore but i love the 930 club. 930 club is after all the 1st place Ive gotten to beat up my 1st drunk and Its just a fun place. Not a fun place outside though if anyone heard the news bout last friday, I was there though nothing really affected my night from the incidents.
 I will post links to pics I will take of the what fillmore looks like now and understand what I mean bout the place within the next couple of days.


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Re: New Fillmore in Silver Spring; New Birchmere in College
« Reply #59 on: October 24, 2007, 11:08:00 pm »
And as a silver spring resident and regular concert goer I could give 2 flying fucks about that Birchmere in college park. It could all change with the show schedule though.