930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: hAtchsIde lııllı|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llıl on February 18, 2014, 12:48:18 pm
hey all, fellow boardie and good friend of mine Hutch has been offline for a little while.
Reason: a car decided to try to crush is body.
He is on the mend, but very banged up and still in the hospital with lots of serious broken items
luckily no head, organ or spinal injuries. But don't expect any posting/emails from him for a little bit
Other missing boardie... Walky?
Guy typically posts 20 times a day and hasn't posted since 2/9
I think people were still trying to track Jaguar down as well
man... terrible news for hutch, hopefully he's heals up sooner than later.
I heard walky is in rehab for his drinking problem.
Jaguar has been incommunicado since around July 2013. I have tried texts, emails, facebook messages, messages on here, and also tried to contact one of her good friends and her friend's son; to no avail.
That sucks about Hutch, I wish him a speedy recovery.
Further more... driving in this area is fucking dangerous as hell. I fear for my life every time I get on the beltway.
Jaguar has been incommunicado since around July 2013. I have tried texts, emails, facebook messages, messages on here, and also tried to contact one of her good friends and her friend's son; to no avail.
That sucks about Hutch, I wish him a speedy recovery.
Interesting...even her friends ignored the messages?
Wow, I know Hutch and I bang heads a lot. But all in all I do think he's a fine fellow with a passion for life and various causes. Wishing him a speedy recovery!
Jaguar I have met in person years ago. She's a complete nut, but a lovely person nonetheless. Hoping she's out there somewhere doing fine.
Walky's in rehab? Really? It's strange how for some beer/wine/liquor can be a hobby and for others it can be a life derailer.
I could probably come up with a list dozens of missing boardies. I always just assumed they moved on to other things in life besides posting on a message board. My wife is actually Facebook friends with a handful of former boardies (she's the Facebook person of the family).
I don't know hutch personally but wish him all the best in his recovery. What a horrible story.
Jaguar has been incommunicado since around July 2013. I have tried texts, emails, facebook messages, messages on here, and also tried to contact one of her good friends and her friend's son; to no avail.
That sucks about Hutch, I wish him a speedy recovery.
Interesting...even her friends ignored the messages?
Yep. Mother and son. Both of my messages show "read" status. But no reply.
Jaguar has been incommunicado since around July 2013. I have tried texts, emails, facebook messages, messages on here, and also tried to contact one of her good friends and her friend's son; to no avail.
Really? Did this just happen out of nowhere or was their a fight first? Have you tried calling instead of just texting?
hey all, fellow boardie and good friend of mine Hutch has been offline for a little while.
Reason: a car decided to try to crush is body.
He is on the mend, but very banged up and still in the hospital with lots of serious broken items
luckily no head, organ or spinal injuries. But don't expect any posting/emails from him for a little bit
Can you find out if there's an address we can send a care package to?
Really? Did this just happen out of nowhere or was their a fight first? Have you tried calling instead of just texting?
A fight? With Jag? Not that I know of... As far as I can tell she was active on the internet one day and had disappeared the next. Also, her friend (the mom) also left posts on Jag's Facebook wall on August 28 of last year saying:
The same friend also posted on January 30, 2014:
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my BFF! Sending you a little Picnic humor, something we used to crap up at a long time ago! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DBoMIi8bYc "
Also her Facebook page for Air Atlantic Underground has been inactive since May 2013
BUT, the station IS up and playing:
Who knows... Maybe she just decided to give up internet and digital communications. I am just worried.
hey all, fellow boardie and good friend of mine Hutch has been offline for a little while.
Reason: a car decided to try to crush is body.
He is on the mend, but very banged up and still in the hospital with lots of serious broken items
luckily no head, organ or spinal injuries. But don't expect any posting/emails from him for a little bit
Can you find out if there's an address we can send a care package to?
PM me and I'll get you the deets
hutch is #1 on my list of boardies i wish i could have a beer with one day.
hope he recovers well. auto accidents are scary things.
Sorry to hear about Hutch. I hope he recovers fully and isn't in too much pain. I wish Walky sucess in his rehab.
We have such a small number of members we can't afford to lose many more. Be safe out there people.
I wish Walky sucess in his rehab.
Walky's in rehab? Really? It's strange how for some beer/wine/liquor can be a hobby and for others it can be a life derailer.
see what you've done, yada.
my guess walky is reading these posts right now.
Damn. Sucks to hear about Hutch.
Jaguar has been a legit concern for a while. Either she quit interneting/concert going altogether or something happened. I mean if Slowdive and Loop reunion announcements couldn't get her out of her hole, nothing could.
Damn. Sucks to hear about Hutch.
Jaguar has been a legit concern for a while. Either she quit interneting/concert going altogether or something happened. I mean if Slowdive and Loop reunion announcements couldn't get her out of her hole, nothing could.
I'm sure you could google her real name + arrested + obituary + death + or something if you're all that concerned. I don't know her, but it doesn't sound promising if they haven't reached out to anyone in multiple months/years.
OK, if someone would message me her last name, I would do that. I only know her real first name. She doesn't use her real name on Facebook, her radio station, or anywhere else.
so, if someone knows her last name, please message me.
Her station was updated on Updated: Feb 17, 14... But maybe it's an auto update?
Maybe she just thinks you guys are weirdos and doesn't want bothered? ;)
Jaguar has been a legit concern for a while. Either she quit interneting/concert going altogether or something happened. I mean if Slowdive and Loop reunion announcements couldn't get her out of her hole, nothing could.
Maybe the cabal of scientists who invented global warming as ahoax decided to finally silence her once and for all! They're really committed to the lie!
(sorry if that's in poor taste, had to lighten the mood.)
I don't know why the mood would need to be lightened. She is one of our friends and we are worried about her well-being.
I don't know why the mood would need to be lightened. She is one of our friends and we are worried about her well-being.
which is distressing. Hence, the mood needed lightening.
get out there and find her, you guys.
Her station was updated on Updated: Feb 17, 14... But maybe it's an auto update?
Maybe she just thinks you guys are weirdos and doesn't want bothered? ;)
Maybe she found a significant other who forbid her from posting on here.
I just played a crappy Springsteen album (ON VINYL!!!) in Hutch's honor.
My daughter said "I hope you didn't spend my college fund money on this shit."
I just played a crappy Springsteen album (ON VINYL!!!) in Hutch's honor.
My daughter said "I hope you didn't spend my college fund money on this shit."
thanks sidehatch and everyone.i'm finallly home to continue my recovery...basically i was t boned pretty hard out of nowhere by a car i didnt even see..i was only going 25 and am lucky to be alive
to answer james, few peoplle have as bad sounding vinyl as bruce..not sure why that is..his records, soundwise sound very poor....
Welcome back! Glad to hear your on the meld
I just played a crappy Springsteen album (ON VINYL!!!) in Hutch's honor.
My daughter said "I hope you didn't spend my college fund money on this shit."
thanks sidehatch and everyone.i'm finallly home to continue my recovery...basically i was t boned pretty hard out of nowhere by a car i didnt even see..i was only going 25 and am lucky to be alive
to answer james, few peoplle have as bad sounding vinyl as bruce..not sure why that is..his records, soundwise sound very poor....
Was it a woman in benz/bmw/other high falutin SUV? :)
Glad to hear you're on the mend hutch!
I just played a crappy Springsteen album (ON VINYL!!!) in Hutch's honor.
My daughter said "I hope you didn't spend my college fund money on this shit."
thanks sidehatch and everyone.i'm finallly home to continue my recovery...basically i was t boned pretty hard out of nowhere by a car i didnt even see..i was only going 25 and am lucky to be alive
to answer james, few peoplle have as bad sounding vinyl as bruce..not sure why that is..his records, soundwise sound very poor....
Welcome back. Glad things were not any more severe than they were.
well that stinks, hutch . . . but thanks be to god that all record stores everywhere in our general vicinity, can breathe a congested sigh of released relief, that you made it out alive. it could have been worse; you could have been in rehab . . . like me. god, i really want to post a emoji, here, right now.
all record stores everywhere in our general vicinity, can breathe a congested sigh of released relief, that you made it out alive.
I'm sure when they run the numbers on February they will speculate what caused the sudden dip in sales
Welcome back to the internet hutch...wasn't the same with out ya!
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Welcome back, Hutch! Come back, Jaguar!
I just played a crappy Springsteen album (ON VINYL!!!) in Hutch's honor.
My daughter said "I hope you didn't spend my college fund money on this shit."
thanks sidehatch and everyone.i'm finallly home to continue my recovery...basically i was t boned pretty hard out of nowhere by a car i didnt even see..i was only going 25 and am lucky to be alive
to answer james, few peoplle have as bad sounding vinyl as bruce..not sure why that is..his records, soundwise sound very poor....
I am glad you are getting better. We missed you.
well that stinks, hutch . . . but thanks be to god that all record stores everywhere in our general vicinity, can breathe a congested sigh of released relief, that you made it out alive. it could have been worse; you could have been in rehab . . . like me. god, i really want to post a emoji, here, right now.
How did rehab go?
seeing how, it was all in my mind . . . ive already forgotten.
The constant harassment from Julian made me take a much needed break from the forum. I now have him on the atomic block script.
The constant harassment from Julian
You forgot to login as Hutch.
But seriously, I have no idea what you’re talking about. PM me if serious because I’m not recalling this.
jules, since you're currently blocked, lemme help you out:
hey yada, julian stated that he doesn't know what you're talking about (RE: harassment). please PM him to work it out. offer seems legit.
you're both welcome.
jules, since you're currently blocked, lemme help you out:
hey yada, julian stated that he doesn't know what you're talking about (RE: harassment). please PM him to work it out. offer seems legit.
you're both welcome.
I've always thought he was joking about having a script to block out people's posts.
Hey Yada - Julian says you're a whiny little bitch.
jules, since you're currently blocked, lemme help you out:
hey yada, julian stated that he doesn't know what you're talking about (RE: harassment). please PM him to work it out. offer seems legit.
you're both welcome.
I've always thought he was joking about having a script to block out people's posts.
Well back in the Atomic days, I think it was a joke ...
but my understanding is Kosmo (might need to put out an APB on him as he used to be a regular poster)
updated the Forum and one of the new features was "block"
so now you can
Everyone relax, Julie isn't blocked... I didn't want to get too personal, but I was in the same rehab facility ggw was in last year. I'm back and good though.
Everyone relax, Julie isn't blocked... I didn't want to get too personal, but I was in the same rehab facility ggw was in last year. I'm back and good though.
You quit your job and were driving around the country finding yourself?
I was in the same rehab facility ggw was in last year. I'm back and good though.
Was Affleck in there with you? Malibu is pretty awesome in September, isn't it?
jules, since you're currently blocked, lemme help you out:
hey yada, julian stated that he doesn't know what you're talking about (RE: harassment). please PM him to work it out. offer seems legit.
you're both welcome.
I've always thought he was joking about having a script to block out people's posts.
Well back in the Atomic days, I think it was a joke ...
but my understanding is Kosmo (might need to put out an APB on him as he used to be a regular poster)
updated the Forum and one of the new features was "block"
so now you can
This is correct. In the Atomic days it was a joke. When the forum changed software a little over a year ago, a real block feature was added. AND. IT. IS. GLORIOUS.
Go to your profile.
Rollover "Modify Profile".
Scroll Down to Buddies/Ignore list....
Add Member to your ignore list.
Enjoy the forum again.
Haven't heard from GGW in over a month...is this something Julian can verify if there is an obit?
Haven't heard from GGW in over a month...is this something Julian can verify if there is an obit?
GGW does not rehab. He goes out with a bang.
Probably on one of his cross country sojourns....
On another note, Markie is in Nor Cal this week.
Whatever happened to deathfromabove?
Did killsally and az threaten to kick him out of their club?
Whatever happened to deathfromabove?
Did killsally and az threaten to kick him out of their club?
I like to believe he died during the Caps parade.
Whatever happened to deathfromabove?
Did killsally and az threaten to kick him out of their club?
I like to believe he died during the Caps parade.
Ok...from Jan30...but this is what DFA had to say recently on Instagram
at one section of your life on this planet . . . you mature to the point that you realize, wearing stuff besides a watch, around your wrist, is ridiculous.
Very Buddha
Whatever happened to deathfromabove?
Did killsally and az threaten to kick him out of their club?
I like to believe he died during the Caps parade.
Ok...from Jan30...but this is what DFA had to say recently on Instagram
Does he have something against the Gap?
I have it on good authority from my sources that Donald Trump will be stepping down from office effective 2:30 ET today. Buckle your seat belt, folks.
Hmmm...who else was the 'I have it on good authority' poster....
I just read this whole thread, Kiss my ass for not worrying about me!
I just read this whole thread, Kiss my ass for not worrying about me!
for the record...you didn't post much when I started this
but was a regular contributor to your star wars thread
Hey Yada - Julian says you're a whiny little bitch.
...little foreshadowing...
that whole, yada / julian thing . . . broke my heart. It felt as if, the life of my soul was as vacant as a spot where high class headies used to be.
it hurt. hurt, like a homeless person, wearing clothes, better than you.
Hmmm...who else was the 'I have it on good authority' poster....
Don't fall for the deflection, people:
"I have it on good authority"
Yada = 11
Sidehatch = 7
Rhett = 3
Challenged = 3
Sweetcell = 2
Vansmack, Walkie, NKOTB, Julian and some boardie named rtscrew who said it in his one and only post = 1
it hurt. hurt, like a homeless person, wearing clothes, better than you.
This is good. I'm going to replace "I'm hungrier than the poor people" as my go to line.
Hmmm...who else was the 'I have it on good authority' poster....
Sidehatch = 7
in all fairness I was only doing it to mock Yada
so are you filling in for GGW on board word searching duties...
in all fairness I was only doing it to mock Yada
That's what everybody says about dealing with their personality disorder.
Hmmm...who else was the 'I have it on good authority' poster....
Don't fall for the deflection, people:
"I have it on good authority"
Yada = 11
Sidehatch = 7
Rhett = 3
Challenged = 3
Sweetcell = 2
Vansmack, Walkie, NKOTB, Julian and some boardie named rtscrew who said it in his one and only post = 1
If you look at it from a ratio perspective, rtscrew is the king of good authority.
I am, still trying to figure out, when in the hell . . . did I ever, say, "I have it on good authority" Really, van,downbytheriver,smack . . . I said that?
I am, still trying to figure out, when in the hell . . . did I ever, say, "I have it on good authority" Really, van,downbytheriver,smack . . . I said that?
Only you could say this:
I have it on good authority . . . that people who snore, fuck VERY well.
good . . . lord. true, but, still.
If you look at it from a ratio perspective, rtscrew is the king of good authority.
Only if this panned out, to which I have no idea, but think it's likely:
I have it on good authority that ?uestlove will be having some special guests at the show -- I saw my buddy's tweet directly from ?uesto saying that Black Thought would probably be sampling over his mixing tomorrow night! Sweeeeeeet
some comedy gold here tonight
I was suffering some mueller-malaise and needed this
I only came here, for the lulz.
And to sexually harass, relaxer.
new walkie handle.....not enough commas....
new leaf turned over. went to comma rehab.
the end.
love the self-awareness/deprecation.
Anyone notice how Marianne Williamson keeps namedropping Yada
should be surprised that so many Americans believe yada” Williamson said.
Guys, Relaxer has moved on. You can’t bait him back this easily.
so I heard from Relaxer today!
He'll be at the Kim gordon show if anyone wants to slap his bald head
Just heard from the Princess of Wales, she is currently undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. She's a lurker on this board as one would suspect, but I'm in the know of such things.
Just heard from the Princess of Wales, she is currently undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. She's a lurker on this board as one would suspect, but I'm in the know of such things.
I'm more interested in the Relaxer news. Though honestly I don't remember what level of hatred i inspired in him.
I'm more interested in the Relaxer news. Though honestly, I don't remember what level of hatred i inspired in him.
welp always hard to tell how much you get under other's skin, but it always seems to be higher than average
did confirm Hives attendance as well
Spotted yada getting pilled on for being snarky on insta
Definitely, was a dumb response to make about someone going through problems.
But hey, nothing matters anymore with us humans, right . . . especially online.
"As long as it is not us, fuck everyone else."
Spotted yada getting pilled on for being snarky on insta
What pills are they giving him?
Edibles are not pills!!!