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TICKET X-CHANGE / Re: They Might Be Giants Trade?
« Last post by Kuhnfamily on Today at 12:44:17 am »

I have a Sunday pair I want to sell but would be willing to trade.  If I can't sell the Saturday pair, I'll just go to the show but I can't do Sunday!

Let me know if you want to swap your 12/7 for my 12/8!

Oatsdad let me know if you are still selling 1-2 for Saturday. I sent you a message but I would love 1, possibly 2 for Saturday 12/7.
GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: This week rollcall
« Last post by Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT on December 06, 2024, 10:41:14 pm »
If anyone had an extra to Jesus Lizard next Saturday, I’d love to buy it. Unfortunately can’t go Sunday which isn’t sold out. (This seemed the best thread to throw a lifeline out on.)
i will give you a free ticket if you agree to do the dead/ eagles / phish weekend ay the sphere
I do not understand how I became this community’s personal sin eater. I mean, I’m sure I had it coming but, Christ.
If anyone had an extra to Jesus Lizard next Saturday, I’d love to buy it. Unfortunately can’t go Sunday which isn’t sold out. (This seemed the best thread to throw a lifeline out on.)
i will give you a free ticket if you agree to do the dead/ eagles / phish weekend ay the sphere
GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Last post by Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT on December 06, 2024, 08:15:33 pm »
They found the backpack!
Does it have the hostel gal’s headshot in it!?
GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Last post by hutch on December 06, 2024, 08:14:10 pm »
They found the backpack!
GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Last post by Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT on December 06, 2024, 06:51:04 pm »
I have to know what the woman he took the mask off to flirt with at the hostel looked like. It’s the only piece of this story I care about. We have all stopped what we are doing to holla at some shorty, but during an otherwise well-carried out assassination plot? I have to know what she looked like! For science!

I mean shooters gonna shoot their shot but this is next level.
GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Dropping Like Flies
« Last post by hutch on December 06, 2024, 06:17:06 pm »
Whoever this person is that killed the United Healthcare CEO he seems to have had it all pretty well thought out and stayed remarkably in control under pressure. Not many mistakes…dropping his mask though…

I can’t believe they haven’t found the backpack. That almost makes me think he might have met someone in park who took it from him?

NYC just said they think he left town and have no idea where he went.

GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: This week rollcall
« Last post by Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT on December 06, 2024, 05:41:44 pm »
If anyone had an extra to Jesus Lizard next Saturday, I’d love to buy it. Unfortunately can’t go Sunday which isn’t sold out. (This seemed the best thread to throw a lifeline out on.)
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