Originally posted by Darth Ed:
II really enjoyed Okkervil River. I wouldn't say they "blew me away," but I admired their energetic and emotive performance.
I'm with you onOkkervil. I don't always make it for the opener, but was glad I did this time. Saw the guitarist (who wore his guitar up about as high as his pecs!) at the bar as New Pornos started and told him I appreciated their set a lot.
I'm not in love with the New Pornos that way some folks are -- I mean, I have the albums, listen to them, enjoy them. They've never blown me away live, but it's an enjoyable show. I'm way psyched that I caught the Neko show...she was great, there's no question her voice is special (I was at the show where the cousin, who had a bad cold, filled in -- not good). Neko did NOT look like those photos even a little bit.
Maybe it's cuz she'd been sick and was injured. Yeah, yeah, that's it.