wow, a thread from me about music, of all things.
i was listening to an album of mine, from an artist that i have every album they released. before i listened to this album this time around, it was just a nice album of good songs, and also some really good ones to make a solid release. now, it seems to be a different tale of a "mini-masterpiece"? after 'purple rain,' what was prince to do? 'around the world in a day' was an "odd experiment of a musical one eighty" i thought, but still a great album of well written songs. can't remember if 'under the cherry moon' is in there next or not, but then 'sign o' the times' comes. double disk, each song perfectly slicing into the next, produced with style and dripping with sensual desires, background horns, singers, bass line never stoppping. it was just an disk collecting dust in my collection before.
maybe i'm really crazy, but its how i feel. now i will go back and choose another artist at random, listen to every album i have, and see which one re-issues itself as my new god.
anyone else want to try? now i do not mean just randomly listing a bunch of albums you feel are "awesome dude." i mean you sit down, now if you want, pick an artist. listen to what you have they put out, in order of year released, and pick the one that is, "wait a minute; when did that album sound so incredible?" then leave an overly detailed explanation of why it is so good.