Author Topic: Operation Cease Fire  (Read 5388 times)


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Re: Operation Cease Fire
« Reply #30 on: August 10, 2005, 05:59:00 pm »
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer:
  The majority of Americans voted for GW Bush in 2004. Does that mean that those who voted for John Kerry were not mainstream? You can be in the minority and still well within the mainstream.
Originally posted by j_lee:
  Most Americans, according to recent polls, are against our current position/occupation in Iraq.  So how does support for that position constitute being "mainstream?"
The majority of americans who voted voted for Bush.  That's not necessarily a majority of americans, or even a majority of voting age americans.  Anybody have the stats on this?
 Regardless, the show sounds fun.

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Re: Operation Cease Fire
« Reply #31 on: August 10, 2005, 08:41:00 pm »
Originally posted by BadSushi:
  Wow, how did I jumped from being against the war in Iraq - to supporting Al Queda?  That's just crazy talk, dood.  I'm not riding around on Bin Laden's camel - a la Jane Fonda - and I kinda resent YOUR extremist remarks.  What exactly are YOU afraid of?
The Washington DC mall security detail can take that day off.  There's no way that Al Qaeda would ever dare target such an happenning as Operation Cease Fire, a staged event that plays right into their hands.  That's like giving Fat Albert the keys to the pudding pops.  Way to go Jello Biafra.


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Re: Operation Cease Fire
« Reply #32 on: August 12, 2005, 10:09:00 am »
For anyone that's opposed to an event such as Operation Cease Fire or for the dumbasses that think Iraq is somehow related to 9/11 and terrorism, here's an event for you. You can wrap yourself in an American flag and stand side by side with Donny Rumsfeld to show off your patriotism at the America Supports You Freedom Walk on 9/11 followed by a concert by Clint Black on the mall. It's pretty sad how both 9/11 and the troops keep being exploited for blatant propaganda purposes. Clint Black, btw, is the man responsible for one of the worst songs ever recorded.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Operation Cease Fire
« Reply #33 on: August 12, 2005, 10:34:00 am »
i think it's dishonorable how much is made of 9/11, it must be horrible for those most directly affected by those events.  people who lost one family members that day who maybe still be trying to recover or come to terms with, only to have it brought up and  shoved in their faces by the media, etc.  there is no need for a national holiday, events,etc.  if people want to mark it, then it should be done privately...

Venerable Bede

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Re: Operation Cease Fire
« Reply #34 on: August 12, 2005, 10:45:00 am »
Originally posted by pickup:
 While the majority of Americans voted for Bush, 60% of the public is currently opposed to the war in Iraq!!!! (According to [/QB]
according to operation cease fire. . ha ha. . .that's like if i showed a poll that said 60% supports the war (according to


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Re: Operation Cease Fire
« Reply #35 on: August 12, 2005, 02:30:00 pm »
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
 according to operation cease fire. . ha ha. . .that's like if i showed a poll that said 60% supports the war (according to
True.  How about a legitimate news source?
Deadly attacks increase pressure on Bush
 New survey shows lowest approval yet for his handling of war
 By Tom Raum
 The Associated Press
 Updated: 8:41 a.m. ET Aug. 5, 2005
 Editor's Note: Tom Raum has covered Washington for The Associated Press since 1973, including five presidencies.
 WASHINGTON - The deadly recent attacks on American troops in Iraq are increasing the pressure on President Bush to develop an exit strategy. The U.S. death toll from the war is now over 1,800, and a new AP-Ipsos poll shows the lowest approval yet for Bush??s handling of Iraq, just 38 percent.
 The president??s fellow Republicans are growing nervous as they head into an election year.
 Yet the administration must also confront the possibility that a U.S. drawdown of troops ?? tentatively planned to begin next spring ?? could further embolden the insurgents and throw Iraq into civil war.
 ??We will stay the course. We will complete the job in Iraq,? Bush pledged anew during a news conference on his Texas ranch with Colombian President Alvaro Uribe.
 Bush suggested his resolve was only strengthened by a videotaped warning earlier Thursday from al-Qaida??s second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahri, threatening more terror attacks in Britain and tens of thousands of U.S. military deaths if the United States doesn??t withdraw.
 There has been little outward sign of progress in U.S.-led efforts to defeat the insurgency and to beef up the Iraqi army and police so they can take over security responsibilities and allow an orderly withdrawal of American forces.
 Particularly lethal bombings over the past few weeks, including a roadside bomb that claimed the lives of 14 Marines on Wednesday, have made the situation look even bleaker than U.S. military experts suggest it is.
 Eroding support
 That translates into a continued erosion of public support for Bush??s Iraq policy at home.
 An AP-Ipsos poll taken Monday through Wednesday indicated that just 38 percent of Americans approve of Bush??s handling of Iraq. A year ago, the public was evenly divided on Iraq, and Bush??s stance on the war and terrorism helped him to election victory.
 Bush has lost support most dramatically among younger women, especially those who live in the suburbs, and among men with a high school education or less.
 Despite the horrific headlines, many military analysts say that attacks on U.S. troops have actually remained constant in recent weeks while attacks on Iraqi civilians have increased.
 ??As tragic as they are, they don??t establish a pattern that says U.S. casualties are getting consistently worse,? said Anthony H. Cordesman, an Iraq expert and former Pentagon intelligence official. He attributed recent deaths of Marines to the fact that ??these are more aggressive military patrols going into hostile areas.?
 Even so, Bush faces a real dilemma, said Cordesman, now with the Center for Strategic and International Studies. ??The president??s legacy, if he fails in Iraq, historically is an absolute disaster. President Bush and the Bush administration can scarcely ignore that problem.?
 ??If you pull out troops too quickly now, and you see the situation in Iraq collapse before the midterm elections, the impact is going to be far more serious than if you keep the troops in at reasonable levels,? Cordesman said.
 Regardless of whether attacks against U.S. troops are increasing overall or remaining constant, the deaths over the past few days of Marines in western Iraq ?? including multiple losses for the community of Brook Park, Ohio ?? underscore that things in Iraq are not going well.
I italicized the appropriate text.

Re: Operation Cease Fire
« Reply #36 on: August 12, 2005, 02:35:00 pm »
38% approve of Bush's handling of Iraq.
 That's not the same as saying 38% now approve of our being there, which is what the protestors are trying to change.
 I don't approve of Bush's handling of Iraq, but I do believe that we need to stay there and clean up the mess we made.


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Re: Operation Cease Fire
« Reply #37 on: September 19, 2005, 01:12:00 pm »
The Operation Ceasefire performer schedule is as follows:
 2:05 PM - Machetres
 2:30 PM - Living Things
 3:18 PM - Joan Baez
 3:50 PM - Wayne Kramer and the Bellrays
 4:41 PM - Steve Earle
 5:31 PM - The Coup
 6:23 PM - Sweet Honey in the Rock
 7:09 PM - The Evens
 7:54 PM - Ted Leo+Pharmacists
 8:50 PM - Head Roc
 9:37 PM - Thievery Corporation
 10:59 PM - Pure Belly Dance
 11:27 PM - Bouncing Souls
 12:12 AM - Le Tigre
 The following speakers will appear between the musical acts: host Jello Biafra, Co-Founder of Gold Star Families for Peace Cindy Sheehan, Representative Lynn Woolsey, Washington Wizard Forward Etan Thomas, Former State Department Officer Ann Wright, national radio commentator Jim Hightower, Fernando Suarez del Solar of Gold Star Families, Reverend Graylan Hagler, Cindy Corrie, Mother of peace activist Rachel Corrie who was killed in the West Bank, Code Pink and Global Exchange Co-Founder Medea Benjamin, the DC Guerilla Poets, Investigative Journalist Greg Palast, Iraq Vets Against the War Co- Founder Michael Hoffman, Anti-Flag drummer Pat Thetic and more.

thirsty moore

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Re: Operation Cease Fire
« Reply #38 on: September 19, 2005, 01:41:00 pm »
Jello's whiny tone will surely topple the Washington Monument.

you be betty

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Re: Operation Cease Fire
« Reply #39 on: September 19, 2005, 06:25:00 pm »
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  let me get this straight by protesting with a concert it's a victory for the terrorists...
 but don't the terrorists win when events like this don't happen out of fear they might strike?
 hope your bunker is nice and comfy....
 i'll be here, but have to leave at six probably ( long before the evens, ted leo, and my very very favorites  le tigre will take the stage    :(    ) for my good friends top-secret surprise birthday party which was planned before any of us knew about op ceasefire.  but it's going to be a very intimate thing with a small crowd, and i would feel way too guilty being like "yeah, i'm missing your birthday because i'm going to a concert" for something that it's not like i have paid for.
 i actually don't think anybody i was even looking forward to seeing is playing before i have to leave, but it's  really important for me to be at this thing for the RALLY aspect, because this whole situation in Iraq is just ridiculous.

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