Author Topic: Killers/Ambulance, Ltd. roll call  (Read 2494 times)


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Re: Killers/Ambulance, Ltd. roll call
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2004, 04:38:00 pm »
ditto was kurosawa said. the killers, esp the lead singer, have a lot of stage presence. he has a lot of fun on stage and is very clever at mocking the establishment and the fans in a subtle way.
 only downside: typical hfs crowd. blech. blech. blech.

Bombay Chutney

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Re: Killers/Ambulance, Ltd. roll call
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2004, 04:44:00 pm »
Missed Surferosa due to a small snafu with the WedRock tickets I bought last night.  Not a big deal, since I didn't think I'd get there that early anyway.
 Ambulance was great.  Short set (about 35 minutes), but that's expected for an opening slot.  I agree that it's time for them to headline somewhere. I'd love to see them do a full set - even if it's only an hour or so.  The club was comfortably crowded, but not packed when they came on, so they played to an almost-full house.
 The Killers were fine.  I went in not knowing anything about them.  I didn't really care for the songs, but thought they put on a good show.  Lots of energy.  Fun to watch - particularly the drummer.  The singer was quite engaging.  The crowd seemed to be loving it.
 Another fun-filled evening at 9:30.   :)


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Re: Killers/Ambulance, Ltd. roll call
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2004, 05:37:00 pm »
Originally posted by Bombay Chutney:
 Ambulance was great.  Short set (about 35 minutes), but that's expected for an opening slot.  I agree that it's time for them to headline somewhere. I'd love to see them do a full set - even if it's only an hour or so.  
I don't have their album in front of me, but I think that might be a full set for them.  They've only got a ten track album out thus far guys, give them time....


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Re: Killers/Ambulance, Ltd. roll call
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2004, 06:26:00 pm »
Surferosa -errrrghhh. I am not quite sure how to describe them. I was alternately repulsed, uncomfortable, and amused. It was weird and odd. And in my mind, not very good. But the strangeness got the crowd going (though some people in the front looked disconcerted).
haha, i was probably one of those people. that was my exact reaction to their set. everybody around me was laughing when they first came out. i just stared in disbelief through their set.


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Re: Killers/Ambulance, Ltd. roll call
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2004, 07:14:00 pm »
Due to the unbelievable generosity of a friend, we managed to attend this show last night for free (He had two exams today and opted out).   A couple things:
 Surferrosa was awful.  Forget the whole 80's revival thing.  Forget the lead singer's mighty feminine mullet.  Forget the unitard and the keytar and all of that.  Musically, they just weren't on point.  At times, the songs devolved into some type of boredoms-esque cacophony, but only for a second, which, I'm assuming, means it wasn't intentional.  And if it was, they need to rework a few songs.
 Ambulance was quite on point.  Haven't seen a setlist posted for them yet but to the best of my memory:
 Heavy Lifting
 Stay Where You Are
 Stay Tuned
 Young Urban
 Yoga Means Union
 I was hoping to hear Ophelia, but oh well...
 Killers were also good...I heard everything that I wanted to, and really wished they hadn't played "Indie Rock & Roll," which, if it's trying for irony is just cheesy in that Barenaked Ladies "Alternative Girlfriend" vein, destined to become an unintentional anthem that misses the point entirely.   And if it's serious, that's just sad.   Looking at some of the press shots and photos of them, I never realized how short Brandon Flowers is compared to the rest of the band.  What is he like, 5' 6"?  All These Things That I've Done was the best way to end the show.  Glad they played it.
 Overall, a good show.  But bands with one album really need to stop headlining shows.


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Re: Killers/Ambulance, Ltd. roll call
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2004, 09:08:00 pm »
Originally posted by malkmess:
  haha, i was probably one of those people. that was my exact reaction to their set. everybody around me was laughing when they first came out. i just stared in disbelief through their set.
Did the singer shake her ass in front of you? I saw that happen to one girl, and she rapidly recoiled. Some of her moves made me embarrassed for her. (Actually, all of her moves were embarrassing.) And how could I forget the unitard?? Most unflattering -as was the haircut.


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Re: Killers/Ambulance, Ltd. roll call
« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2004, 09:56:00 pm »
last night during surferosa was one of the very few times i've been glad to be in about the 5th row and not right up front.  i would have been VERY uncomfortable anywhere near that woman.
 but overall, i had a great time.  ambulance was excellent, and the killers sounded great.  i wish the sets could have been a little bit longer, but both bands don't have too much material to work with so it was understandable.  
 i think it's about time for an ambulance ltd. headlining tour!


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Re: Killers/Ambulance, Ltd. roll call
« Reply #22 on: October 04, 2004, 09:58:00 pm »
At first I was a bit disappointed that I wasn't in the front row (my friends and I were about four people back), but after watching That Woman, I was so damn RELIEVED. I was laughing hysterically, but if she'd gotten into my face I think I would have vomited in self defence.


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Re: Killers/Ambulance, Ltd. roll call
« Reply #23 on: October 04, 2004, 10:58:00 pm »
Have to agree with most off what has alreadt been written.  I arrived to see the last 1 and 1/2 songs of Surferosa and wondered why the hell were all of these people going this crazy.  
 The Killers were okay.  I really wasn't all that impressed.  Anyone else think that they'll be back on some lousy hfs package concert?
 Ah, Ambulance.  Loved the set.  Can't wait for them to return.


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Re: Killers/Ambulance, Ltd. roll call
« Reply #24 on: October 04, 2004, 10:59:00 pm »
Was anyone the guy who told me that David Beckham was at the Streets show in July?


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Re: Killers/Ambulance, Ltd. roll call
« Reply #25 on: October 04, 2004, 11:11:00 pm »
actually, my friend and i were right behind the poor girl who got the singer's ass in her face. the singer also felt herself up right in front of us right before she left the stage too. super.