Well not in the pit but at a Crystal Method show, some girl behind me decided to start punching me in the back. Weak little punches so I turned around and laughed (no clue why she was doing it, and it was way too loud to ask).
At an Orb show, some girl starting sticking her foot under my heals when I would lift them (no room to really dance, so I was doing the in place heal lift thing). I kept going forward to get her to stop, but she would follow. Finally she was bitching to her friends that I was stepping on her feet (such the martyr) and I turned around and told her to stop following me and putting her damn feet under mine. Her idiot friend goes "Watch out we are from New York". Again I laughed (they were such twerps).
I didn't bother staph with these as they were not worth the effort but if they escalated I definitely would have.