THere was a pit at the Bob Mould show? No WAY! Wow. THat surprises me, I didn't even see anything.
The only time I had anything bad happen to me was at a Ned's Atomic Dustbin show in 1992 at the Metro in Chicago. MAJOR crowd surge, I fell down, and a ton of people fell on me. The surge was so bad that I couldn't get back up. People were kicking me (this is back when I wore glasses, so my glasses broke), and I was getting stepped on. Scared the crap out of me, to this day I hate it when it's ultra-crowded at a show. Ned's fans were just crazy. I remember hearing about a guy who dove from the balcony in Dallas and then died in the fall. That's just stupid though.
Generally the crowds at the 9:30 are fine, especially these days. Once I saw a guy's eye ring got ripped out at a Face to Face show.
One of the wilder things I've seen at a show was during Morrissey when a guy climbed over the railing, jumped onto the PA stack, jumped OVER a roadie (who was hipt to what was going on) and then run to hug Morrissey. Crazy kids...