Columbia? Heavens no, I'm with me. I do have some shares, which I got prior to becoming a very satisfied subscriber. It's not like I fell in love with the service and rationalized the investment decision later. Quite the opposite.
Yes, that 500% this year is nice but it ain't nowhere near where it's going to go. Even Barron's, those wild-eyed irrational exuberists, ran the math earlier this year and concluded quite reasonably that at a mere 10m subscribers XM has 1.5-1.8/year of earnings... so go put a nominal growth multiple on that...
All that aside, the quality and value of the service speaks for itself. This is a forum for people who love music, and if you love music there's really nothing better than XM. If you think I'm just talking my book and full of poo poo, fine. But you'd be missing out.