Author Topic: *ROLL CALL* The Great Michael Moore SUN 10/2/11 5PM  (Read 9412 times)

Frank Gallagher

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Re: *ROLL CALL* The Great Michael Moore SUN 10/2/11 5PM
« Reply #45 on: October 05, 2011, 04:16:28 pm »
Please explain to me what is wrong with the protesting of Wall Street. Ive got friends down there who are protesting - who got laid off from jobs - can barely afford rent and are at an age where just packing up and going home to ma/pa is not an option.

It is basically just a bunch of spoiled, whiny Gen-Ys searching for any "cause" on which they can vent their personal disaffection.  Nothing like some nebulous boogieman of "financial greed and corruption" to get their collectivist juices flowing. 

If they had a shave (both sexes) showered and took some pride in their appearence a company may actually want to hire them.......that is in fact, if they even want a job.

I've been laid off a couple of times and decided looking for another job was more productive than sitting in the middle of the road sulking.


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Re: *ROLL CALL* The Great Michael Moore SUN 10/2/11 5PM
« Reply #46 on: October 05, 2011, 04:47:35 pm »
Veterans Doubt Iraq, Afghanistan Wars Worth Fighting, Study Finds

Frank Gallagher

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Re: *ROLL CALL* The Great Michael Moore SUN 10/2/11 5PM
« Reply #47 on: October 05, 2011, 05:13:47 pm »
Veterans Doubt Iraq, Afghanistan Wars Worth Fighting, Study Finds

Iraq, in my opinion, was a personal vendetta from Dubya to Sadam Hussein for the attempted assasination on his dad. There was absolutely no benefit to the USA to invade Iraq. Dubya should be investigated for war crimes over this.

Afghanistan had merit, the only problem was the military was not allowed to go it's fucking job, then get the fuck out. They may as well have sent them in with water pistols. This going in half-arsed makes no sense so they should not have gone it at all.

Like it or not, war has been declared against us by a faction of the muslim faith. The Taliban harbored these radicals so they need to be taken the fuck out, so you, me and our families can live in peace and not worry about being blown into little pieces during our commute to work. I lived in Manchester in the 70's so have experienced what terrorists do first hand. My mother missed being blown up by a matter of seconds in the city center, and I was in a department store when a bomb went off two floors below me.

These bastards see negotiation as a sign of weakness...they only understand force.

Don't be so naive by thinking we can talk our way out of this fuck up...