Author Topic: FiOS timetable?  (Read 3521 times)


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Re: FiOS timetable?
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2008, 05:43:00 pm »
My fios DVR was buggy as hell.  It was the HD one...the main thing it would do that really pissed me off is if I would pause something and then walk away and come back say 20 minutes later (not uncommon when giving the kids a bath or putting them to bed etc) the show would not be paused anymore and I wouldn't be able to rewind  back to where i was.  At this point all DVR features would be tanked and I'd have to reboot the box to get them to start  working again.  Totally annoying.
 Also the software was just so clunky and slow and the remote functions (whether using the supplied remote or my universal) were'd have to be few feet away and hammering the buttons to get it to do what you wanted.
 I thought maybe I'd gotten a lemon and had the box replaced but had the same results.  Research on the net showed I was not the only one having serious issues with it.
 Apparently a major software overhaul is in the works for the DVR, but this has been rumored for maybe a year or so and still nothing, at least in this area.  When it's released and if people like it I may go back...maybe.
 Add to that that after I cancelled Fios and the guy came out to get the stuff (cable boxes routers etc) Verizon said they never got them back.  We fought with them for months and they kept saying it was all resolved and then next thing you know we'd get another bill for $1000 for the "missing" stuff.  They eventually sent it to collections for christ's sake!  We got it resolved finally, bu the whole thing left a very bad taste in my mouth.