THAT WAS amazing.
But Jesus H. Of course we live under a corrupt system of law, hell, I NEVER questioned that. But if you know a flying fuck about anything having to do with politics then yes, this does matter. It matters a lot.
Frankly, if you're going to sit there tossing in your hat saying that it doesn't matter and it's too corrupt a system to change, the same corrupt a-holes are going to keep getting elected and you will only contribute to the flawed system.
You have no right to sit there and whine if you aren't going to even care enough to ATTEMPT to evoke some sort of change. So don't criticize me for caring.
If you're so pissed with the way they've been handling things, YOU should be the one following this and putting in your two cents and getting out there and doing something about it. If everyone sat down and said their votes didn't matter than no one would go to the polls at all.