Yeah, we use to have more Forum Parties.
More importantly, we never really waited for an official Forum Party to get together. In fact, that was the real purpose of the Roll Calls back several years ago. As we got to know each other, we knew who to scout out to hang with before, during and after the show. Added to that, we finally got to meet those we only knew on the forum. The Roll Calls also helped to get others out to any given show because we all knew that not only would we see a show but we would have a group of friends to gather and socialize with. That's almost gone by the wayside these days with the Roll Calls being not much more than a scripted notation. Part of that is because a bulk of the regulars have moved out of the area. No excuse! We still have plenty left and lots of new members to take their physical place.
That's why it warmed my heart when I read about El Tee and Rhett meeting up at the Nada Surf show. It's no secret that this forum just isn't as active or as chummy as it use to be. We could use a little more of these socially active Roll Calls and Forum Parties to get us back in the swing of things.