Author Topic: Bye bye Palin!  (Read 5326 times)


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Re: Bye bye Palin!
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2009, 04:13:13 pm »
It was so scatter-brained!
Very much a "it's not you, it's me" speech.

funny :)

More shall be revealed I guess.

this scares me... she does have a plan. 
After digesting, I flip flop if there is really more to it? As I mentioned, it sounded like she was giving a break-up or "no, I didn't cheat on you" speech. She is trying to explain too much and convince others of her decision, but not really definitive...Perhaps it's just family and her hubby and kids had it.
If she moves elsewhere in the political world - I hope she takes Speech 101 again. Or, hire a speech writer.

I read this article with interesting observations:

As for destructive politics, the world would certainly be better off without that ? as another vilified female politician, Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton, can attest. But for now, it seems to go with the territory. Politicians need a thick skin. Palin made it harder on herself by catching the arrows that were slung at her instead of letting them drop to the ground.

I questioned this as well: "Palin also says she's already accomplished her goals for the state. That must mean Alaska has no more problems to solve."

Regarding your comment on trying to keep it under radar resigning before a holiday weekend (and w/ MJ holding the headlines), my family thought the opposite. I suppose I did too, until I watched the speech. Did you see the crowd? About 8 people standing there clapping, but they seemed disinterested.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 04:21:18 pm by Sugartastic Tee »

Firebutt McGee

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Re: Bye bye Palin!
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2009, 06:56:52 am »
Her resignation speech is one of the worst I've heard.

I want to use that speech as audition material! It was pretty damn impressive!