Author Topic: Official 930 Club Lawncare Thread  (Read 6153 times)


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Re: Official 930 Club Lawncare Thread
« Reply #30 on: May 20, 2015, 04:49:41 pm »
so neighbor mows lawn this past Friday.. I mow lawn Monday at about noon...five hours later neighbor mows lawn...

is the neighbor not overdoing it a bit? Mowing a huge lawn every three days??

I sometimes get the feeling its a bit passive aggressive...then again he is obsessed with his house and also I think he does it as "workout".

In other lawn news the neighbor on the other side of my house came by... there is a fence separating a tiny strip of my yard from his..anyways he just bought house a few months ago and came by asking "Is that garbage yours?" Took me a while to register he was speaking about the tiny strip of lawn I hadn't mowed for a while.. anyways, the upshot is the weeds growing on that strip have spread to his lawn (right by fence).. I said "Ughh Yah..sorry".. he said "don't worry i'll get my guy to do it.. is it ok if he rips it all out from the roots up?" I said yeah... felt real bad..anyways, I waited til Monday and then mowed the strip too.... I figure his man hasn't come by yet.....Looking at his lawn I now do notice some weeds there adjoining the fence separating our lawns...we made some chit chat about his new baby so I think everything is ok but I definitely felt pretty low...

Belatedly i realized i could have brought up some OPM cops/detectives coming by a few weeks ago asking about him for a background check..but it was too late..

so I am defintely having lawn issues and hope I am not going to be run out of hood soon... :)

I need to charge up the weed whacker ASAP and get going on that....

more to follow...

Re: Official 930 Club Lawncare Thread
« Reply #31 on: May 20, 2015, 05:16:56 pm »
Just dose the stuff with a Vinegar & Salt solution a Weed Killer

1 Pour 1 gallon of white vinegar into a bucket. Everyday 5-percent household white vinegar is fine for this weed killer. You won?t need higher, more expensive concentrations such as 10 or 20 percent. It may take two or three days longer to kill the weeds with the lower concentration, but they will die.

2 Add 1 cup of table salt. Stir the solution with a long-handled spoon until all the salt dissolves completely.

3 Stir in 1 tablespoon of liquid dishwashing soap. This will act as a surfactant and make the vinegar and salt solution adhere to the weeds more efficiently. Blend thoroughly.

4 Funnel the weed killer into a plastic spray bottle.

5 Drench the weeds with the solution on a dry, sunny day. Coat all surfaces well with the spray. Any plants soaked with this solution will die within several days. They won?t be back and nothing else will ever grow there.

6 Funnel any leftover weed killer into an empty plastic container. Cap it tightly. Label it clearly and store in a cool, dark spot indefinitely.