there was only a two-hour wait in line because people started showing up at 7pm. we had to open doors about 45 minutes late because beirut's soundcheck took forever (which is understandable, considering they had nine people on stage), and we were doing a live feed to the cafe next door so people who got shut out of the show could still hear it if they waited to get in. after we initially sold out, some people left and we let in the rest, so anybody who actually waited was able to see the show. i think we did a pretty damn good job of organizing everything, given the warehouse's lack of pre-sale ticketing and minimal staff.
as for the show itself, i was generally too busy running around outside and dealing with the bands, so i didn't see/hear a whole lot very clearly. curtains sounded ok but i really couldn't pay attention, and i already know what get him eat him are like. beirut was good but i'm still amazed that they're garnering all this hype. well, maybe not...they have that brass section the kids love these days, and the singer's voice is very affected and over-the-top. there are some great melodies, but like the record, half the set kind of petered out.