Personally, I think the debit card is a great idea. If someone goes and blows it on booze or something dumb, well, that is more to their loss.
It's just like the typical beaurocratic mind to assume that government or some 'other' entity knows best what to do with any money or other aide. :roll:
Not everyone will have the same needs. One might need baby diapers while another might need adult diapers and another needs tampons. Then again, someone might not need any of these things but instead could very much use some jock itch powder. In the meantime, someone else might need some new underwear and socks and shoes for the kids.
I heard that somewhere along the line, peanut butter was being given out in NO. Fine but what about the people who are highly allergic to peanuts and would go into anaphalactic shock that would end in death? Should they starve instead? Coincidentally, there are a lot of Blacks who are allergic to peanuts and peanut oils. With a debit card, they could buy cheese or bologna or whatever else they choose to feed that same person. We can't and shouldn't micro-manage everything. Sometimes I think that you just have to recognize that sometimes people really do know what's best for themselves and let them decide. Besides, it gives them back a little dignity.