Why doesn't Nebraska have professional football team?
Because if they did Denver and Chigago would want one too!!
How do you stop a Washington Redskin from going into your back garden?
Paint it like an end zone!!!
You're trapped by a bear, mountain lion and Dallas Cowboys fan, you have a gun but only two rounds. What do you do?
Shoot the cowboys fan...twice. The other two can be reasoned with!!
There's a terrible mining accident so snow white runs to the mine. She yells down the mine shaft. "Anyone down there alive, please just call up to me to let me know you're okay"
She hears a weak voice reply "Jacksonville to win the superbowl"
"Dopey...Dopey? Anyone else alive?"
Where's the safest place to be in Atlanta when the tornado alarm sounds?
The Georgia Dome because nothing touches down there!!
If you see a Steelers fan riding a bicycle why should you never run him over?
It might be your bike!!!
What do you get when Lincoln Financial Field is filled to capacity?
A full set of teeth in the same place at the same time!!