dupek is bitter because he was told to STFU with his race-baiting, anti-immigrant rants and other forms of vitriol. the argument used was that he was bad for business - this board is about fostering community around the club, not promoting hate. his juvenile mind only got the "don't do that" part, not the "why" - so in a temper-tantrum, he's going around pointing out other posts that aren't directly contributing to the club's business. apparently interpretation is too much to ask of him.
i was going to reply to one of his posts with something along these lines, but decided not to give the child any more attention... but since we're on it:
dupek, you're not that dumb so why are you acting that way? but don't worry, any second now your juvenile new approach to alienating people will become funny and interesting. the tide is turning, people are rushing over to your point of view. you are really sticking it to The Man.
etc etc etc... and yes, he is a twat, an immature one at that.