Author Topic: the best thing about the system show...  (Read 10179 times)


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Re: the best thing about the system show...
« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2005, 10:55:00 am »
Originally posted by BadSushi:
 Hey, dood, just a thought:  Someone else's drinking has has absolutely no long term affect on you.  Your smoking, however, blows shit into the air that very radically affects other's respiratory and immune systems.  If you read these threads, you'll hear about a significant number of singers  who are having problems with their voices/respiratory systems so SEVERE it's interrupting their tours/shows.  Many of the physicians who treat these entertainers are telling 'em they should absolutely start requesting smoke-free's the trend, and you can keep doing what you want - but try being a little sensitive to others...and by the way, one other fact: IT"S GONNA KILL YOU IN AN AWFUL WAY.   You're making others sick no matter which direction you're blowing the smoke - unless it's back up your own ass.     :roll:  
are there any more ways that you could suck?  do you have any friends?
 you're at a bar/club that allows smoking.  if you don't want smoke around you, then don't come to the club.  if the performer wants a smoke-free environment, they can request it.
 it's that simple.
 plus, cigarettes are one of my main tools (in addition to well-placed elbows and sarcastic remarks) for getting rid of asshats who get in late and decide to angle right in front of me in a packed show.  a face full of smoke for about five minutes tends to send the message quite nicely.


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Re: the best thing about the system show...
« Reply #31 on: May 16, 2005, 11:03:00 am »
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
  plus, cigarettes are one of my main tools (in addition to well-placed elbows and sarcastic remarks) for getting rid of asshats who get in late and decide to angle right in front of me in a packed show.  a face full of smoke for about five minutes tends to send the message quite nicely.
that's disgusting.  it's one thing to poke someone, but something else entirely to blow cancer-causing agents at someone.
 your bs, outdated 'smokers rights' nonsense shows nothing but how shamefully addicted you are.  i hardly think it's unreasonable for a person to say that your weaknesses shouldn't cause other people to get cancer.  and should one or two people's dumb addiction be able to poison a whole group?  makes no sense.  take it outside.


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Re: the best thing about the system show...
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2005, 11:11:00 am »
Originally posted by chimbly sweep:
 your bs, outdated 'smokers rights' nonsense shows nothing but how shamefully addicted you are.  i hardly think it's unreasonable for a person to say that your weaknesses shouldn't cause other people to get cancer.  and should one or two people's dumb addiction be able to poison a whole group?  makes no sense.  take it outside.
assholes who push up in packed crowds deserve cancer.
 smokers rights nonsense?  when did i ever say we have rights?
 i tried to make this incredibly clear, but i guess you read what you wanted to read:
 the club allows smoking.  if you go there, you should expect smokers.  the performer can request to make it non-smoking.
 is that really hard to understand?  i'll "take it outside" when i go to a club that doesn't allow smoking.


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Re: the best thing about the system show...
« Reply #33 on: May 16, 2005, 11:23:00 am »
Originally posted by chimbly sweep:
 your bs, outdated 'smokers rights' nonsense shows nothing but how shamefully addicted you are.
and thats shameLESSly addicted, you self-righteous little twat.


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Re: the best thing about the system show...
« Reply #34 on: May 16, 2005, 11:23:00 am »
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
  assholes who push up in packed crowds deserve cancer.
i'm assuming you didn't mean that.  perhaps you want to go back and edit.
 if you did mean that, you're a sad, sad excuse for a member of "humanity."

kosmo vinyl

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Re: the best thing about the system show...
« Reply #35 on: May 16, 2005, 11:25:00 am »
playing devil advocate, but just cause the club allows smoking inside doesn't mean everyone has to light up... be a rebel always smoke outside or in the backbar... the less smoking inside the club the less of an issue it becomes.


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Re: the best thing about the system show...
« Reply #36 on: May 16, 2005, 11:26:00 am »
Originally posted by chimbly sweep:
 if you did mean that, you're a sad, sad excuse for a member of "humanity."
and you arent?

kosmo vinyl

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Re: the best thing about the system show...
« Reply #37 on: May 16, 2005, 11:26:00 am »
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
Originally posted by chimbly sweep:
 your bs, outdated 'smokers rights' nonsense shows nothing but how shamefully addicted you are.
and thats shameLESSly addicted, you self-righteous little twat. [/b]
uh a tad bit over the line


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Re: the best thing about the system show...
« Reply #38 on: May 16, 2005, 11:28:00 am »
Originally posted by chimbly sweep:
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
  assholes who push up in packed crowds deserve cancer.
i'm assuming you didn't mean that.  perhaps you want to go back and edit.
 if you did mean that, you're a sad, sad excuse for a member of "humanity." [/b]
yeah, of course i meant that, i wish a slow crippling death upon people with bad concert manners.
 you should be directing your blind vitriol towards the management of bars/clubs who allow smoking, because if it's allowed, i and many others will be lighting up.
 unless, of course, you keep making these well-reasoned impassioned pleas for me to buck the trend, play the pied piper, and lead all the smokers outside or to the backbar.  your last post almost convinced me to do so, but it just fell a bit short.
 could you please keep ranting?  something will probably click with me.


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Re: the best thing about the system show...
« Reply #39 on: May 16, 2005, 11:30:00 am »
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
 could you please keep ranting?  something will probably click with me.
smoke em if you got em.
  what was that Denis Leary comment about the busdriver hitting the jogger cause he dropped his cigarette?


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Re: the best thing about the system show...
« Reply #40 on: May 16, 2005, 11:36:00 am »
some dennis leary gems from "no cure for cancer", i think this is more than 10 yrs old now ...
 I love to smoke. I smoke seven thousand packs a day, ok. And I am never fucking quitting! I don't care how many laws they make. What's the law now? You can only smoke in your apartment, under a blanket, with all the lights out? Is that the rule now, huh?! The cops are outside, "We know you have the cigarettes. Come out of the house with the cigarettes above your head." "You'll never get me copper! I'm never coming out, you hear? I got a cigarette machine right here in my bedroom. Yeah!"
 Know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get one of those tracheotomies. So I can smoke two cigarettes at the same time. I'm gonna get nine tracheotomies all the way around my neck. I'll be Tracheotomie Man! "He can smoke a pack at a time! He's Tracheotomie Man!"
 I'm looking forward to cancer, man. I want that throat cancer. That's the best kind. You know why? You get that throat cancer, you get that voice box thing. Know what I'm talking about? ..[Talking as if has a voice box].. Sure it's scary, but you can make a lot of money with a voice box. Get a voice box, walking around the streets of Manhattan, "[VB] You got any spare change?" "Ahhh!! Here's my whole wallet, get away from me! Ahh!"
 Imagine a whole family with voice boxes. That'd be creepy, wouldn't it? They'd be out in that backyard everyday during the summer. "[VB] Dad, can we go to the beach?" "[VB] Yes, get your mother and the dog. We'll leave right now. Sparky, come here." "[VB] Arf Arf Arf Arf Arf Arf Arf" Ahhhh!!
 Or the ultimate irony. A guy with a voice box pulling up to the drive through window at McDonald's. That has to suck, huh? "Can I help you?" "[VB] Big Mac and a large order of fries." "Stop making fun of me." "[VB] I'm not making fun of you." "I'm getting the manager." "[VB] Get the fucking manager, I don't care."
 I can remember a time in this country when men were proud to get cancer, God dammit! When it was a sign of manhood! John Wayne had cancer twice. Second time, they took out one of his lungs. He said, "Take 'em both! Cuz I don't fuckin' need 'em! I'll grow gills and breathe like a fish!"
 Babe Ruth, greatest baseball player to ever play the game. He had a voic box. He was the first American to have a voice box. Yeah! "[VB] This is Babe Ruth, the Sultan of Swat, the Bambino, I smoke twenty-five God damn cuban cigars a day. I had meat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I fucked eighteen prostitutes a night! 'course, I'm dead now. I'm up here in heaven. Lou Gehrig is up here with me. God love Lou Gehrig. Jesus Christ, poor Lou Gehrig. Died of Lou Gehrig's disease. How the hell did he not see that coming? You know. We used to tell him, Lou, there's a disease with your name all over it, pal! There ain't no Babe Ruth disease, I'll tell you that much right now. Have a hot dog and a Hummer. Go ahead, it's on me."
 I don't know. Personally, I think Billy Martin said it best when he said, "Hey! I can drive!" Because we tried to be nice to you non-smokers. We fucking tried. Okay? You wanted your own sections in the restaurants. We gave you that, huh. But that wasn't enough for you. Then you wanted the airplanes. We gave you the whole God damn plane! You happy now? You own the fucking plane! I'd like an explanation about that one folks because I will guarantee you if the plane is going down, the first announcement you're gonna hear is, "Folks, this is your Captain speaking. Look, uhm, light 'em up, 'cause we're going down, okay. I got a carton of Camels non-filters, I'll see you on the ground. Take it easy." Actually, it'd be more like this, "[VB] This is your Captain speaking. Smoke 'em if ya got 'em. Rrrr Rrrr"
 The filters the best part. That's where they put the heroine. Only us real good smokers know that fucking secret. Yeah, we tried to be nice to you non-smokers. We tried. But you just fucking badger us, you know? You won't leave us alone! You got all your little speeches you're always giving to us. All these little facts that you dig out of a newspaper or pamphlet and you store that little nugget in your little fucking head, and we light up and you spew 'em out at us, don't ya? I love these little facts. "Well you know. Smoking takes ten years off your life." Well it's the ten worst years, isn't it folks? It's the ones at the end! It's the wheelchair kidney dialysis fucking years. You can have those years! We don't want 'em, alright!? And I guarantee if I'm still alive, I'll be smoking then. I'll be in my wheelchair, with my adult diapers on and my twenty-five year old non- smoking born again christian son behind me. I'll be going, "Hey! Make sure you wipe this time. I was itching all week for Christ's sake! And get me some more wippets. I'm almost out, you fucking pussy! Come on!"
 Because you're always telling us, "You know, ever cigarette takes six minutes off your life. If you quit now you can live an extra ten years. If you quit now, you can live an extra twenty years." Hey, I got two words for you, ok. Jim Fix. Remember Jim Fix? The big famous jogging guy? Jogged fifteen miles a day. Did a jogging book. Did a jogging video. Dropped out of a heart attack when? When he was fucking jogging, that's when! What do you wanna bet it was two smokers who found the body the next morning and went, "Hey! That's Jim Fix, isn't it?" "Wow, what a fucking tragedy. Come on, lets go buy some buds."
 It's always the yogurt sprout eating mother fuckers who get run over buy a bus drive by a guy who smokes three and a half packs a day. "Sorry officer, I didn't see him. I was too busy smoking!"


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Re: the best thing about the system show...
« Reply #41 on: May 16, 2005, 11:43:00 am »
you missed the best part...
 "JFK smoked. Lee Harvey Oswald didn't. John Lennon smoked. Mark David Chapman didn't. The Rolling Stones smoked. The Bee Gees didn't. Winston Churchill smoked. Hitler didn't. And Hitler was a vegetarian. I rest my case."


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Re: the best thing about the system show...
« Reply #42 on: May 16, 2005, 12:44:00 pm »
I love these smoking threads.  I think the club should be able to set the rules on what people can and can't do inside.  Otherwise people need to just act like don't blow it directly in peoples faces...and for those that don't smoke understand that (for better or worse) people smoke at shows in DC and that it's really a fact of life if you wanna attend.
 Personally, I don't smoke cigarettes but did for over 15 years.  I do smoke cigars (c'mon i gave up drugs booze and ciggs - it's the only vice I've got left) but only really smoke outside or in bars that cater to cigar smokers.
 My if anyone cares anyway.


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Re: the best thing about the system show...
« Reply #43 on: May 16, 2005, 01:10:00 pm »
Hey, Hoya, speaking of "tools"...oh never mind.


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Re: the best thing about the system show...
« Reply #44 on: May 16, 2005, 06:01:00 pm »
Originally posted by BadSushi:
  Hey, Hoya, speaking of "tools"...oh never mind.
 your comebacks are always fantastic, i'm sorry you deprived us of this one