Author Topic: Halo 2 Roll Call  (Read 4869 times)

ratioci nation

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Halo 2 Roll Call
« on: November 04, 2004, 05:40:00 pm »
Who else is skipping Muse and Interpol so they can play Halo 2?


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Re: Halo 2 Roll Call
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2004, 05:46:00 pm »
C'est moi!


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Re: Halo 2 Roll Call
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2004, 06:38:00 pm »
I'm going to see Muse, but I'm definitely getting Halo 2!


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Re: Halo 2 Roll Call
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2004, 05:30:00 am »
i've ordered my copy, and the store is going to be open for a couple hours at midnight, so i'm hoping to get out of the muse show early enough to pick it up and get no sleep for a few days.

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Re: Halo 2 Roll Call
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2004, 08:25:00 am »
Halo was a pretty-okay game.  I don't see what all the fuss is about...just another "gun & run".
   <img src="" alt=" - " />
 I just finished Halo 1.  Does anyone know when is 2 gonna be out for PC?


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Re: Halo 2 Roll Call
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2004, 02:20:00 pm »
I have the day off.

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Re: Halo 2 Roll Call
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2004, 02:46:00 pm »
<img src="" alt=" - " />

ratioci nation

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Re: Halo 2 Roll Call
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2004, 03:03:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
  I have the day off.
same here


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Re: Halo 2 Roll Call
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2004, 05:56:00 pm »
Originally posted by marquee smith:
  Halo was a pretty-okay game.  I don't see what all the fuss is about...just another "gun & run".
it's a good shoot 'em up, but it's all about the multiplayer, and halo 2 will be on xbox live, which makes the multiplayer that much more...uh...multi?  i'm really looking forward to the new maps.  
 btw, my gamertag is freak930.  i'll probably be online much more starting next week.

ratioci nation

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Re: Halo 2 Roll Call
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2004, 06:45:00 pm »
gamertag = magearwhig

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Re: Halo 2 Roll Call
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2004, 08:56:00 am »
Originally posted by thatguy:
  it's all about the multiplayer, and halo 2 will be on xbox live, which makes the multiplayer that much more...uh...multi?  
I've never played any PC games online.  The AI has always been difficult-enough for me.  I don't feel the need to get my middle aged ass served to me on a platter by some goddamned 14 year old, cheese eating, computer whiz kid from Des Moines, or Grand Rapids, or Brasilia, or wherever...thank you very much!


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Re: Halo 2 Roll Call
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2004, 05:34:00 pm »
For the article with links to many more articles:
 Microsoft Plans Heavy Hype for 'Halo 2'
 By Cynthia L. Webb Staff Writer
 Monday, November 8, 2004; 10:06 AM
 Microsoft is taking cues from Hollywood as it prepares for tomorrow's release of "Halo 2," the much-anticipated sequel that the software giant hopes will fuel Xbox gaming device sales and cement its footing in the video game industry.
 The Redmond, Wash.-based software company is planning a glitzy marketing blitz and a red carpet-style treatment that could render the movie studios green with envy, the latest signs that Microsoft wants to crown itself king of the digital entertainment realm. And in an indication that this games is a hot property, bootlegged copies already are selling on eBay.
 How big an event is this supposed to be? "It's huge," Michael Chu, a supervisor at the Software Etc. store in New York, told the New York Post. "People have been waiting for this for three years. We had people reserve this as early as 2001."
 "The anticipated release of Halo 2, the sequel to Microsoft's best-selling 2000 game, is the latest and perhaps the best indication of how the blockbuster mentality of Hollywood has pervaded the video game industry. As development budgets for the most advanced games approach $20 million, the stakes for producers have risen accordingly. According to Microsoft, the marketing budget for Halo 2 is 'tens of millions of dollars,' perhaps more than the cost of developing the game itself (which the company will not divulge," the New York Times reported. "And just as a splashy Hollywood premiere attracts attention for a film, a video game's first-week sales can be critical to winning shelf space and retailer support. More than 1.5 million people preordered a $50 copy of Halo 2; if all of them pick it up the first few days, the game's opening gross will be $75 million, almost $5 million more than the animated film 'The Incredibles' did this weekend."
 "For the first 24 hours, Halo 2 will blow past anything Hollywood has put out there," Peter Moore, a marketing vice president for Microsoft's Xbox unit told the paper. "I'm eager for the comparison."
 "Why the Hollywood-sized publicity blitz for a video game? Halo 2, an immersive science-fiction combat game, is a linchpin in Microsoft's ambitious $2 billion bet that it can lure a mainstream audience to the video-game-playing habit," USA Today wrote. "Microsoft's gamble is a calculated one. Global video game hardware and software sales top $10 billion annually -- surpassing what U.S. consumers spend on movie tickets. Yet it remains largely the province of kids and young men. Since muscling its way into the business with the introduction of the Xbox in late 2001, Microsoft has sold 18 million gaming consoles. Sony's PlayStation 2 dominates with 75 million sold, while Nintendo has moved 16 million GameCubes, according to Arcadia Investment. Getting Xboxes into pervasive use was just step one in Microsoft's plan to redefine the video game market. In November 2002, it introduced Xbox Live, an elaborate online gaming service -- and the real engine behind its drive to weave video games deeper into the cultural fabric."
 The game, which goes on sale at 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday "requires a $50-a-year subscription to Microsoft's interactive Xbox Live platform, in addition to the game system itself, a home Internet connection and a state-of-the-art TV," the NY Post explained. More from USA Today: "Xbox Live isn't growing fast enough to draw 10 million subscribers by 2007, as Microsoft had hoped. 'Reaching critical mass will take time,' says Jay Horwitz, Jupiter Research lead analyst. That's where Halo 2 enters the picture. Microsoft has been scrambling all year to build buzz. It wants to assure a blockbuster -- one that tilts mainstream attention toward Xbox Live. Halo 2 trailers have run for months in movie theaters, as have Internet promotions. A TV ad campaign will kick into gear for the holiday season. And Microsoft has been throwing lavish Hollywood Xbox parties. Celebrities like actress Aisha Tyler and rock band Incubus have received free Xboxes, HDTVs and test copies of Halo 2 from the software giant."
 Some gamers just can't wait for the official release, much to Microsoft's chagrin. "Advance copies of the aliens-versus-space marines video game Halo 2 have already fetched as much as $265 on Internet auction site eBay, days before the official launch," the AP reported. More mischief, from a Seattle Times roundup: "The much-awaited game for the Microsoft Xbox is hitting the market tomorrow, but a few Midwest retailers apparently began selling the game last week, including a store in Toledo, Ohio, according to reports on enthusiast Web sites Gamespot and Gaming Age," the paper said.
 "In a statement, Microsoft would only say it has been 'working really hard to keep the Halo 2 plot twists a secret so everyone can have an equal opportunity to enjoy them. That will happen when the game officially goes on sale at 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday,'" the AP reported.
 The legitimate sales will be part of Microsoft's battle to win more converts to the Xbox, as the Daily Telegraph reported: "Let the battle of Christmas begin. It's the first of the festive season duels and it's one of high stakes and even higher interest. The two major videogame consoles, Sony's Playstation 2 (PS2) and Microsoft's Xbox, are involved in a multi-million dollar pre-Christmas contest for supremacy over each other -- and over the cinema. At stake is control of the $800 million industry. This year the stakes have been raised by the industry's adaption of cinema's late-year release of blockbuster titles. 'It's a huge business and it continues to amaze me that it's not recognised as such,' Microsoft home entertainment regional director David McLean said."
 And the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported on the same competitive barriers, writing that "for all the momentum achieved by the 'Halo' franchise, there's no shortage of competition going into the holiday season. At the top of the list is 'Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.' The latest installment in the best-selling series is exclusive to Sony's PlayStation 2. Games for the PlayStation 2 have an inherent advantage in the battle for retail sales because of the Sony console's sizable lead in worldwide market share. Michael Pachter, an analyst with Wedbush Morgan Securities, said he expects the latest 'Grand Theft Auto' to outsell 'Halo 2' during the holidays as a result."
 Halo Party
 Some early reviews have already given "Halo 2" an enthusiastic thumbs up, though the real proving ground will be whether teens and tweens flock to it. One example you won't find in any other newspaper today is my friend who has planned a "Halo 2" release party at her house tomorrow for her 16-year-old son and his friends. It's audiences like this where "Halo 2" will sink or swim.
 "Microsoft has reported pre-order sales of more than 1.5 million copies of 'Halo 2,' a figure that leaves the company predicting its game will out-gross the single-day earning records of any Hollywood release. And if early enthusiasm is any guide, the sequel should easily surpass the original's sales of more than 5 million units," the Denver Post reported. "This game will blow away anything that's on the market or has been on the market,' said Buy Back Games store manager Gilbert Fransua. Like an estimated 6,500 other retail outlets across the country, Fransua's Wheat Ridge store will reopen its doors Monday night at the stroke of midnight to dish out copies of the game to eager fans. To understand why anyone would stand outside at midnight in the cold or play hooky for the chance to enjoy a video game, you have to look back to the 2001 release of the original 'Halo.' 'The first Halo game defined the Xbox platform,' said Dan 'Shoe' Hsu, editor in chief of Electronic Gaming Monthly. 'For the longest time, it was the best, and many would say the only, reason to buy Microsoft's console. The original game is still consistently a top-10 seller today, which means there are a heck of a lot of people eagerly anticipating the sequel.'"
 Here's some glowing praise from BBC News: "Three years on, with expectations at fever pitch, the pressure is on game developers Bungie to deliver a masterpiece. Fortunately Halo 2 largely lives up to the hype. Bungie have taken all that was great about the original and gone one better, to produce a polished and accomplished first-person shooter. The first thing that hits you is the look of the game, with a Halo universe full of detail, with crisp and sharp alien environments. At times, though, the design of these worlds is indistinctive and confusing, leaving aplayer wondering which is the way ahead. Picking up the game is like getting reacquainted with an old friend. The controls are as intuitive as ever, but they are now much more responsive."
 The Seattle Times reported that creating the sequel has been a labor of love and long hours. "While the rest of the Puget Sound area relished a gorgeous summer, Microsoft's Bungie Studios team spent nearly every waking hour putting the finishing touches on the video game 'Halo 2,'" the paper said (Microsoft bought the gaming firm Bungie Studios in 2000). "The job was so grueling -- at one point the studio worked 48 hours straight -- that Microsoft rewarded the group by bringing in chef Shiro Kashiba from the Belltown sushi restaurant Shiro's to prepare an extravagant meal. Tomorrow, the team will get to see if the work was worth it. Microsoft's Xbox division has waited three years for its first bona-fide phenomenon, and it likely has one now in 'Halo 2,' the sequel to the sleeper hit that became the most popular title in the Xbox console's short history."
 The San Jose Mercury News has an explainer on some of the sequel's perks. "The new game would allow players to do things like wield two guns where in the original version they only had one. Or players could jump into a moving vehicle and wrestle control away from an opponent in mid-flight. This was the kind of innovation in play style that hard-core Halo fans would embrace, the team decided. The team grew to nearly 70 people. They spent their time fleshing out the game, which has more than two hours of cinematic animations. Among the changes: 'Halo 2' boasts more than 14,000 lines of dialogue among combatants, compared to just 2,000 in the original game."


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Re: Halo 2 Roll Call
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2004, 10:53:00 pm »
some people in my school are skipping to get it...
 cops could fuck with kids by sitting in stores during skokl hours waiting for them.


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Re: Halo 2 Roll Call
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2004, 10:54:00 pm »
Can't take it any longer.....
 I have to stop watching these trailers!
  ES 2003 (Still the best one, watch it in full screen)
  Multi-player featurette


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Re: Halo 2 Roll Call
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2004, 06:35:00 pm »
i spent a few hours online last night, and a few hours with the campaign.  got to bed around noon today.  whoops.
 this game is incredible.  
 the new maps are great, and there are even updates to a couple of old maps that play very well.  lots of nooks and crannies and sniper spots, some accesible only by vehcile. i did a lot of exploring with a friend and not much fragging, so i can't talk too much about the multiplayer online, but the few skirmishes i got into were fun.  it seems a bit awkward to pick the exact kind of game you want to play online, but maybe i just didn't explore the options enough. i haven't done any splitscreen or co-op games yet.
 the new and evolved weapons are great, but i was occasionally left wishing i had the pistol from the first game.  the addition of the energy sword is an interesting change, and the covenant weapons have been greatly improved along with some upgrades to the human arsenal.  dual wielding weapons is badass.  
 the vehicles handle much more smoothly.  you can pilot more different types now, and all are completely destructible.  the new "jacking" maneuver is probably the most fun of all.  i like stealing ghosts.
 the campaign is fun.  very similar to the original, but still a good shootin' time.  i'm about ten levels into it so far, but i won't give away any plot twists.  there are familiar faces and new ones, and a decent story so far.
 i live about 40 minutes from the club, and i have to be at there in an hour.  i've got time to play...