Didn't know much about BJM going in, but I've always liked the Dandys, so Dig! was worth the $9 or whatever I paid. The diretcor keeps trying to frame the idea as two intertwined bands looking to find a larger audience, one working within "the system" of the music industry and the other one working outside of it. But BJM's Anton is just too farking out of control to be anywhere near the system.
His bi-polar dick-ishness and indie pretension make him hard to like no matter how talented he is. Maybe he was playing for the camera, but I don't think so.
Anyway, it was an interesting movie. For anyone familiar with BJM, does the tambourine guy do anything else? Sing? Play other instruments? He was the second most entertaining guy in the band, but from what I could tell he really didn't add anything to the band and was probably only a drag on the nightly cut, of $$$ and drugs.