Author Topic: The Political Evils Of Halloween  (Read 3700 times)


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The Political Evils Of Halloween
« on: October 31, 2003, 07:18:00 pm »
The scary thing is, I've seen a lot of the exact same crap happen in American schools for exactly the same reasons. So much for "the land of the Free". The Cold War is truly over.
 Moscow bans "morally damaging" Halloween
 1 hour, 1 minute ago  
 MOSCOW (Reuters) - Moscow city authorities have told children not to celebrate Halloween because it is psychologically damaging and not in line with educational aims.
 Moscow's education department sent a letter on Friday asking schools to ban the pagan festival, which it said was based on a "cult of death". Celebrations fall on the eve of the Western Christian All Saints' Day.
 "The religious elements of Halloween...go against the secular nature of education in state educational institutions and are destructive for the psychological, moral and spiritual well-being of the pupils," Alexander Gavrilov, spokesman for the department, told NTV television.
 Russia's Orthodox Church swiftly agreed there was no light-hearted way of looking at what is originally an American celebration where children dress up as witches and vampires and knock on front doors to ask for sweets.
 "The Church knows from its spiritual experience that you cannot associate with evil forces in jest," said Church spokesman Vsevolod Chaplin.

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: The Political Evils Of Halloween
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2003, 07:48:00 pm »
yeah... there are plenty of peeps right here in the good ol' USA who would like to see Halloween banned, too.
 Of course, banning it would only make it all the more delicious.


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Re: The Political Evils Of Halloween
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2003, 01:26:00 pm »
I think it is banned in Frederick Cty. MD isn't it?
 This has got to be the first year I didn't get to hear Halloween by Ministry on Oct. 31st....I'm disapointed.


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Re: The Political Evils Of Halloween
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2003, 01:36:00 pm »
it would never work here, people would still go and do stuff.  
 but this is another reason why russia sucks. the commies are probaly just to poor to buy candy.
 and halloween is one of the most happy days for a kid.  you get to go run around in the dark al dressed up, and knock on doors w/ fiends and get free candy.
 halloween has been around for ever, and yuo get to see william shatner and the worst movies ever made.


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Re: The Political Evils Of Halloween
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2003, 02:32:00 pm »
Originally posted by flawd101:
  it would never work here, people would still go and do stuff.  
 but this is another reason why russia sucks. the commies are probaly just to poor to buy candy.
 and halloween is one of the most happy days for a kid.  you get to go run around in the dark al dressed up, and knock on doors w/ fiends and get free candy.
 halloween has been around for ever, and yuo get to see william shatner and the worst movies ever made.
Russia isn't "commie" anymore.


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Re: The Political Evils Of Halloween
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2003, 05:34:00 pm »
Originally posted by mankie:
  I think it is banned in Frederick Cty. MD isn't it?
 This has got to be the first year I didn't get to hear Halloween by Ministry on Oct. 31st....I'm disapointed.
I had that song in my head all last night. Great song!   ;)  
 A lot of the US government schools, aka "public schools", that I've taught in banned any Halloween parties, costumes, etc., for all of the exact same reasons stated in that article. No matter what you call it, it's all under the evils of the social engineering of "political correctness", which is why I hate it so badly.
 The Communists used it, the Nazis used it, and now America is using it.


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Re: The Political Evils Of Halloween
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2003, 06:01:00 pm »
my bad....but who cares.
 i had halloween by the misfits in my head all night...cant wait for sunday. MISFITS!!!!


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Re: The Political Evils Of Halloween
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2003, 11:15:00 am »
Originally posted by flawd101:
 the commies are probaly just to poor to buy candy.
how old are you?


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Re: The Political Evils Of Halloween
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2003, 12:11:00 pm »
i believe ive posted that before.
 so look.


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Re: The Political Evils Of Halloween
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2003, 01:49:00 pm »
Originally posted by Jaguär:
 A lot of the US government schools, aka "public schools", that I've taught in banned any Halloween parties, costumes, etc., for all of the exact same reasons stated in that article. No matter what you call it, it's all under the evils of the social engineering of "political correctness", which is why I hate it so badly.
 The Communists used it, the Nazis used it, and now America is using it.
so many of the "holidays" we celebrate have specific origins that aren't observed as often as they used to be. Halloween is not known for being a "pagan festival celebrating a cult of death" -- to most kids, it's just a fun excuse to get dressed up and eat some candy. Christmas is the same -- it's been so commercialized and exploited that it's not some solemn religious holiday, it's a time to get stressed out, hate our families, and get presents that we don't even need  :roll:  
 arhg. i can't believe they'd try to ban halloween. it's not our fault the capitalists have exploited the holidays so much that everyone is involved with it somehow.. and now they're trying to take it away.. what crazy bastards.


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Re: The Political Evils Of Halloween
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2003, 03:48:00 pm »
I don't think Halloween should be banned...I'm all for having good fun whenever...however, it did occur to me the other day that we often do hear stories of schools not being able to have manger scenes because they are too Christian or even Christmas trees (which are actually pagan, but maybe disputed because they are perceived as more Christian and not Jewish or Muslim or whatever)however, most schools do have Halloween parties and have kids dress up...and Halloween is a big pagan, where's the separation of church and state there? Is paganism perceived as a "neutral" religion that is American that we all can embrace? I'd think not. However, a combination of capitalism and consumerism seems to be the real passion, or religion, if you will, in America (and the Western world) and what all the old Holidays have turned why ban one or the other...they all generate sales!


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Re: The Political Evils Of Halloween
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2003, 05:09:00 pm »
Originally posted by Celeste:
  I don't think Halloween should be banned...I'm all for having good fun whenever...however, it did occur to me the other day that we often do hear stories of schools not being able to have manger scenes because they are too Christian or even Christmas trees (which are actually pagan, but maybe disputed because they are perceived as more Christian and not Jewish or Muslim or whatever)however, most schools do have Halloween parties and have kids dress up...and Halloween is a big pagan, where's the separation of church and state there? Is paganism perceived as a "neutral" religion that is American that we all can embrace? I'd think not. However, a combination of capitalism and consumerism seems to be the real passion, or religion, if you will, in America (and the Western world) and what all the old Holidays have turned why ban one or the other...they all generate sales!
amen sister! wait.. is that too religious to say?  :D


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Re: The Political Evils Of Halloween
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2003, 01:41:00 am »


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Re: The Political Evils Of Halloween
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2003, 10:24:00 am »
This year I took my little 2 year old daughter trick or treating for the first time.  She was dressed as a ladybug and first we went to a little party with some of the other neighborhood kids.  Then the lot of us took the kids to half a dozen houses or so for some trick or treating.
 The kids all had a blast, but I must admit there was a satanic undertone to the proceedings,  Perhaps due to the ritualistic black mass we held at the party.


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Re: The Political Evils Of Halloween
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2003, 11:23:00 am »
every kid loves halloween, taking it away will cause pain, suffering and crying.
 its not satanic cuz old guys answer their doors in boxers, kids dress up as cartoons, and you get free candy, who cares people wearjust cuz ur in an "evil" costume doesnt mean you will be helping a mass killing or suicide goin on that night.
 it has lost all religion, religions something bastards want to throw in there so they dont have to get up and answer the door all night and give out candy. if they take it away i say valentines day should go to. cupids an asshole. he shots people....and hes naked.