Author Topic: ****My Chemical Romance pictures!!****  (Read 21038 times)


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Re: ****My Chemical Romance pictures!!****
« Reply #75 on: November 11, 2004, 11:46:00 am »
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
 i hate my chemical romance because they are an emo-core clone, and i hate the entire genre of emo-core. here's why: the sense of sadness, depression, and self-loathing hocked by bands like MCR, The Used, etc, etc has pervaded every fucking part of "popular" modern rock (ie, what's on the radio and MTV). it's the same moods expressed by the nu-metal scene, it's just all "i hate myself and i want to die".
 so now on rock radio/music tv we have a few genres: nu-metal and emo-core mainly, and a few other tracks that happen to break big (by accident, usually). when you turn on DC101 or HFS all you hear is people telling you how much life sucks and how much they want to end it.
 emo fans just piss me off, just like people who say "Happy Monday!" piss me off, or people who forward emails, or ignorant rednecks. i just don't like them. and don't tell me that the (modern) emo scene is some kind of vibrant and diverse group of people. it's downtrodden kids who  need someone to reinforce their anger and pain, and it comes with a dress code.
1)  What's interesting to me is that, not being a MCR fan, I hadn't even looked at this thread until this morning, because today I have work I'm trying to avoid....   ;)     If I hate a band or am simply even disinterested, I'd ignore the threads about it (especially one that's billed as just pictures from the show...).
 2)  You know, I listen to a LOT of music and had no idea of this insidious and pervasive infiltration of all that is musical by the emo-core scene.  Oh wait, I don't listen to HFS or DC101, so it doesn't affect me at all.  That's right, I'm not even aware it's out there as some musical axis of evil because I listen to a bunch of music I like, regardless of influences, and the rest of the radio crap is someone else's domain.  Funny, that.
 3) Actually, a lot of stuff I listened to in the 80s had the same melancholy message and atmosphere, either wrapped in Morrissey's wonderful warble, or as a more nuanced message in the post-punk wails of a guitar.  Not quite sure what this emo-core is all about, but sounds like music for the kids that's about life's hard knocks -- pretty much a standard (it's that, or the flip side of American Idol/Britney pop -- we had new wave for that).  We even wore Doc Martins and heavy eye-liner WAY back then....


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Re: ****My Chemical Romance pictures!!****
« Reply #76 on: November 11, 2004, 11:55:00 am »
Originally posted by Bags:
  I don't listen to HFS or DC101, so it doesn't affect me at all.
this was a source of amusement for us at the Muse show.  cause this girl was like "are they going to play that song thats on the radio?"
   she asked me since I was at the Philly show, and i said "i have no idea what song is on the radio"  she gave me a wierd look, like surely i had to be lying, but really, i dont know.
  i still don't


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Re: ****My Chemical Romance pictures!!****
« Reply #77 on: November 11, 2004, 11:57:00 am »
Exactly, Sonick -- it was funny, when the crowd would really woop it up, my friend would say, "this must be one from the radio..."


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Re: ****My Chemical Romance pictures!!****
« Reply #78 on: November 11, 2004, 02:33:00 pm »
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
  wow, you're doin some diggin!
What can I say...i had a lot of time on my hands yesterday.


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Re: ****My Chemical Romance pictures!!****
« Reply #79 on: November 11, 2004, 02:47:00 pm »
Hey man -- whatever happened at the Juliette Lewis show?
 Did you bone her?
Originally posted by tinygee:
  I have to agree with sonick on this matter, i mean let these people enjoy their bad music, and if you dont know them personally what the shit should you care? if someone i actually know and care about likes this insanely horrible type of music then i make a point to introduce them to something original...but for the jokers who do like this music, let em, thats less people at the shows i attend....and no one likes a show where you cant even turn your shoulders.


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Re: ****My Chemical Romance pictures!!****
« Reply #80 on: November 11, 2004, 02:57:00 pm »
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
  Hey man -- whatever happened at the Juliette Lewis show?
 Did you bone her?
YES!! i forgot all about that.  we were going to go too. damn. totally slipped my mind.
   yeah, tinygee...did you score?


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Re: ****My Chemical Romance pictures!!****
« Reply #81 on: November 11, 2004, 03:49:00 pm »
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
  wow, you're doin some diggin!
What can I say...i had a lot of time on my hands yesterday. [/b]
did you find my nude pics on suicidegirls?  my good charlotte tats are prominently displayed


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Re: ****My Chemical Romance pictures!!****
« Reply #82 on: November 11, 2004, 03:55:00 pm »
Originally posted by tinygee:
  I have to agree with sonick on this matter, i mean let these people enjoy their bad music, and if you dont know them personally what the shit should you care? if someone i actually know and care about likes this insanely horrible type of music then i make a point to introduce them to something original...but for the jokers who do like this music, let em, thats less people at the shows i attend....and no one likes a show where you cant even turn your shoulders.
very good point ... as i said before, emo-core is just a (big) pet peeve of mine, thought i'd vent a bit ...


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Re: ****My Chemical Romance pictures!!****
« Reply #83 on: November 11, 2004, 04:18:00 pm »
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
  wow, you're doin some diggin!
What can I say...i had a lot of time on my hands yesterday. [/b]
did you find my nude pics on suicidegirls?  [/b]
Nope, just your strangely drawn out movie reviews on IMDB.  These were for school, right?  I can't imagine anyone spending that much time writing an on-line review of Rio Bravo.
 And oh yeah....Go Bucs!    ;)  
 ps - enjoy Bangkok.  lucky for you the emo scene there has all but died out!


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Re: ****My Chemical Romance pictures!!****
« Reply #84 on: November 11, 2004, 04:28:00 pm »
chaz makes me laugh.


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Re: ****My Chemical Romance pictures!!****
« Reply #85 on: November 11, 2004, 04:30:00 pm »
Originally posted by sonickteam2:
  chaz makes me laugh.
i'm trying to make nice here sonick.


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Re: ****My Chemical Romance pictures!!****
« Reply #86 on: November 11, 2004, 04:33:00 pm »
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
  wow, you're doin some diggin!
What can I say...i had a lot of time on my hands yesterday. [/b]
did you find my nude pics on suicidegirls?  [/b]
Nope, just your strangely drawn out movie reviews on IMDB.  These were for school, right?  I can't imagine anyone spending that much time writing an on-line review of Rio Bravo.
 And oh yeah....Go Bucs!     ;)  
 ps - enjoy Bangkok.  lucky for you the emo scene there has all but died out! [/b]
I took one class second semester senior year, pop culture criticism, pretty much the perfect end to college.  And, yes, that review was for that class.
 This pre-Farenheit 9/11 review of Canadian Bacon, however, was because I was pissed off at stupid fucking people (per usual):
 washington, dc
 Date: 25 June 2003
 Summary: you don't get it
     most of you detractors are completely missing michael moore's sarcasm and self-deprecation ... do you really think that this man is dumb enough not to realize how heavy handed and over-the-top his message in this movie is?
     canadian bacon is a parody of EVERYTHING, including moore's (over) earnestness ... i can kind of compare this movie to tim robbin's "bob roberts" or warren beatty's "bulworth" ... sure, the star director / writer / producer force feed you their liberal message, but they're also winking at themselves the entire way through ...
     that said, canadian bacon is in the lower echelon of this genre, there just aren't enough laughs and the film is way too disjointed ... i also can't stand rhea perlman ... something just never clicks.
     michael moore is the most politically polarizing filmmaker in the country... and that's really saying something ...
     moore really seems to set something off inside of right wingers like no other bleeding heart in hollywood has been able to replicate.
     i know plenty of conservatives who watched, and enjoyed, "bulworth" without agreeing with beatty's populism ... this unbiased approach just seems impossible with moore's movies (two of which are undeniably brilliant works of documentary film) ...
     right wingers (again, for the most part) just categorically reject moore's work on every level ... its just too bad moore had to make a mediocre film like "canadian bacon" to provide his ideological critics with legitimate artistic complaints.


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Re: ****My Chemical Romance pictures!!****
« Reply #87 on: November 11, 2004, 04:38:00 pm »
Cheers Hoya!  Have fun on your trip.  Just don't kill anyone over there, k?


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Re: ****My Chemical Romance pictures!!****
« Reply #88 on: November 11, 2004, 08:51:00 pm »
Originally posted by sonickteam2:
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
  Hey man -- whatever happened at the Juliette Lewis show?
 Did you bone her?
YES!! i forgot all about that.  we were going to go too. damn. totally slipped my mind.
   yeah, tinygee...did you score? [/b]
And you have the gall to get on me about my memory! I never stated that you started the girlfriend punching subject; however, you did go on with Rob about your Redneck girlfriends, sonnyboy.     :roll:    Maybe she needs to slap some sense into you. Might do you some good.


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Re: ****My Chemical Romance pictures!!****
« Reply #89 on: November 11, 2004, 08:58:00 pm »
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
  Hey man -- whatever happened at the Juliette Lewis show?
 Did you bone her?
I cockblocked him...
 Damn did she have a flat smooth tummy.
 Also what the hell did I start in here with my joke LOL
 Mindless Faith
 Deep6 Productions