Ok, I'll talk about it. I am going to Arlington last night. I get to DC fine, through the 395 tunnel, no prob. Then i think i am looking for Rt 1 North, and all there is, is Rt 1 South. So i drive all the freakin way to Seminary Rd. and then turn around.
I get on rt. 1 south, and then it kind of disappears and no more signs til BAMMMO , I'm at the airport!!!!
Its ok, cause i can just backtrack on 1 South and be on 1 North right? NOPE. But i manage my way to Washington Blvd, we're all good. So I am looking for Clarendon Blvd. NOPE! Dont see it, so i get to Lee Hwy and then stop at a gas station where the people who dont speak english try to give me directions. to where? its just down the road. why the fuck does everyone say that??? Of course its down the road. Did i think i had to get out and SWIM the rest of the way?
So i finally get myself there, park, only to find that the way i CAME is NOT the way to go home. fuck me. all this time i am driving I am following slow ass SUV motherfuckers slowing down to turn into thier driveways, never once thinking of using an indicator. people crossing the street slowly, ON THE PHONE and not at crosswalks. All the while passing NO landmarks whatsoever to aide my way. its just coffee shop, diner, bar, repeat, with the same group of well dressed white kids chuckling loudly outside of each establishment, one of them always on the phone.
am i decribing this well enough? its like a bad movie. how do people live there. everything looks the same, everyONE looks the same and everyones car is shiny. its not the real world, i tell you that.
ok, i feel better.